[i]"I also wanna run for vice-president, senpai."[/i] "She can have it," Akiko said. "If someone else is willin' t'step up to the task o' bein' the club VP, I don't really want it. As fer waifus and husbandos...mine's gotta be Yuki Yoshida, from Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka." It, as anything, came out of Akiko's mouth like the most casual thing in the world. And, also as with anything, the smile on Akiko's face was a clear indicator that she had no concern for the things she said. Typical for her; one moment at a time, with no immidiate care for the past or future. Other than that though, not much to say about Akiko. She seemed happy enough at the kotatsu, and didn't really want to be club VP if someone else was willing. Part of her was thinking to maybe pull out her sketchbook and draw something, or grab her headphones and listen to some music, but she wanted to at least wait until she knew who the Anime Club's vice-president was.