[i]Once upon a time, Some King in Some Land was missing...[/I] [I]Wait...[/I] [I]Okay.[/I] [I]The Goblin King is Missing, and if the Goblins find out, there will be a war.[/I] [I]The G.O.O.P, or the [b]Global Operating Over-all Police,[/b] are trying to keep it under wraps by hiring some mercenaries to find him[/I] [I]Or just picking some random people off the street and offering them money.[/I] There is a town called Derp-Town. In the Center of said town is a Tavern called the Sluttly Potato. Upon entering the Tavern, go to the old man in the corner and ask for the king. He will open the door to our meeting. That's the letter you have received. Go to the Town, Find the Tavern, Talk to the Guy, get to the meeting. Simple. or is it?