Jak could feel the bruise already forming along the side of her face and on her stomach. The rain didn't help, each drop was like a tiny hailstone against her face. Also, the rain was cold and she was already drenched. She felt and looked miserable. [i]It's my fault I'm out in the rain. I knew Mom would be like this. I'll have to talk to Sonya...[/i] After everything that happened, she knew for sure that she made the largest mistake she'd ever made in her life. What was she even doing in the mafia anyway? Her nose still ached from the time she tried to fire the gun, and Sonya could only say that she was good at thinking ahead. She should quit now before things got worse, like her mother said. [b][i]"Jak?”[/b][/i] a voice called out, jolting her from her thoughts. [b][i]”What are you doing in the rain?”[/b][/i] She moved closer to the buildings so that Fionn wouldn't be able to see her whole face. "Um..." should she lie? The truth put her out in the rain in the first place, but she was so tired of lying. "Mom kicked me out for the night. It happens. It's my fault, but I'm sure the rain will let up soon." she tried to smile, but the clap of thunder made her rethink her statement about the rain. "Or maybe not..." she mumbled under her breath.