[quote=Byrd Man] Cursor strode through the busy streets of Rome with his small retinue of staff members following in his wake. He was still furious at the Assembly for the way they chastised him for saying what clearly needed to be said. He hated the power structure of Rome, the old men, and all they stood for. He knew that his hatred was rooted in his own father and the disdain the old man had shown for him and his mother. He wanted to show the Patricians, his half-siblings especially, that they were no better than the people they looked down upon. Word of his behavior in the Assembly had already reached the people and he noticed several approving nods and salutes in his direction."Ave Legatus," Cursor announced when he entered the legate's quarters just outside the city walls. "Aulus Gordianus Tranquillus, I am Quintus Cursor of Legio VIII: Spurii Romanae. The Bastards of Rome. Well met. I have our orders from the Consul. We are to ride with all due haste up the coast towards the western half of the Arno. From there we make our stand, and no pig of Carthage shall be allowed to cross that river."Cursor paused and looked at the legate. He wasn't encouraged by the site of the man who looked much younger than he."Are you up to the task, Gordianus?" [/quote] Alus read the orders seeing that he and his men were under the command of a quintus cursor in the VIII legion. As far as Alus was concerned it would be the best thing for his men to fight a defensive battle and with someone that spoke in the senate the way he did would be an honor, for its the people that seek our protection so knowing someone that believes the same is a welcomed sigh of relief. When he came over and called for him Alus went over and gave him a salute "ave legatus" he said as he mounted up with his lieutenant and noticed the legatus looking at alus and he knew what he was trying to ask when cursor asked if he was up to the task and he said "do not worry legatus, while I may be young it is not for no reason. My men have been trained to handle defensive situations and as such we will give you the best help during this mission, legion XIII sphinx will be a great asset to you." "on an unrelated topic its an honor to meet a man who speaks for the people like you did at the senate meeting, wish I was their to see you talk to those men and tell them just how normal they look down on everyone simply because they have power given by their families before them." Alus said as he waited for the legatus to lead them and his men to the river to stop the attack.