[center][b]Loreal[/b][/center] Loreal's plate of salad stuffs was placed in front of her and she shimmied in some excitement of the meal ahead. She picked up a fork--though at home she was used at eating with really only her hands--and stabbed into the fruits and vegetables. As she raised the food to her lips, however, an orc sat down at her table. She blinked and politely lowered the fork, eyes flickering to the orcs that accompanied the female. The elf tensed a little bit, lips pursing together. She was slender and small compared to the bulky orcs and even one would be intimidating to her. And here were [i]three[/i]. They weren't exactly handsome creatures either. "Um. Hi," she responded carefully, shifting in her seat with a subconscious glance to her quiver sitting on the bench beside her. "I'm Loreal. Can I help you?" {{pretty short but Idk what else to include atm.}}