Ro was pleased and surprised by the younger vixens' firm handshake, and more so when, after introducing herself she read his expression and demeanour precisely and made her assertion about the role she was taking on. Embarassed all at once about his reservations toward her, the wolverines' expression fell and he felt a twinge of shame. "Of course," he said sheepishly after a moment, and with a somewhat awkward smile. "I'm sure that you'll do a lot more than 'just' a job as well," he added. "If you've come here in the first place, then you know some of what you're in for, and how tight-knit these units can get... I apologize if I didn't make you feel welcome. Please, let me show you to your room and around the 'cruiser to make it up to you, won't you?" he added, trying to lighten the mood. Captain Stirling nodded in acceptance of the idea, the mare folding her arms. "I'll stay here and supervise the GEAR loading and stowing into the bay - though, that's a generous name - while R.R. shows you around. Welcome aboard, Tilly". Ro turned and gestured toward the personnel hatch into the [i]Wandering Promise[/i]. The fog was still heavy in the air, and the light spilling from inside the landcruiser had a welcoming look.