[quote=idlehands]I've never done this, ever. Hell it was embarrassing enough telling my husband what my name was on RPG/steam and some other stuff, all of it's the same. Worlds were colliding.[/quote] I don't really get this, why do people have issues with worlds meeting? I mean for me, friends are friends, interests are interests. I'd like it if all my friends could meet, and I don't really see someone as a friend either if I feel there is interests of mine I need to hide from them. [quote=Kaga]Virtually all of my RL friends call me Kaga. As does one of my professors. I kind of like it more than my real name, so I'm cool with this.[/quote] My friends tried calling me Gwazi for a brief instant because we used to frequent one friends house whose Dad's name was Anthony, same as mine so simply saying "Anthony" got confusing. But it got dropped quickly cause Gwazi was a lot more awkward for them to say in normal conversation just from pronounciation. [quote=Giygas]How did you guys even get your online names?[/quote] [hider=Gwazi Magnum] When I was 13 or so I joined a site called Star Wars Combine, and because I was rather unimaginative at the time I simply specced my guy to be a potential Jedi and used the random name generator which produced 'Duvnar Magnum'. This said Star Wars said also had an online forum RP community though I ended up joining, and eventually went off site with the majority of the members (Combine has shitty moderators) to RP. During this RP period Duvnar got an adopted son named Gwazi Magnum (Gwazi I took from a Character in a game I played called Gladius. Hated the character from the game, but the name sounded cool). Gwazi Magnum soon came to become my most used character because Duvnar was getting a bit old IC-wise to keep up as much and so when I transferred to the RP Guild it was Gwazi Magnum that I was used to, so I switched to that. [/hider] [hider=Magic Magnum] The Magic Magnum one is honestly as simple as due to above, Gwazi Magnum ended up becoming my username in just about every online place including video games. So one day while playing with friends on Guild Wars 2 on my Gwazi Magnum character I got bored, so I got up on a ledge in the main city, stripped my character down to pink pants and shoes and started dancing. I ended up creating an MMO naked dance party from it. As a result, one of my friends coined the term "Magic Magnum" in reference to the movie Magic Mike, and it stuck. So when the RP Guild shut down and started over again I saw the chance and made a file named Magic Magnum. [/hider]