Tilly was pleased that the Wolverine understood and acknowledge what she'd meant, offering to show her around the cruiser as a way of making up the introduction to her, not that she thought his introduction was lacking. She was expecting some reluctance after he'd lost his partner, after all she would have been the same if she was being honest. "That'd be nice, thank you" she replied after he offered to show her around, politely thanking the captain for her welcome before following Ro towards the [i]Wandering Promise[/i]. She was a little nervous for all the changes that she'd be adjusting too over the next few days and partly also because of meeting new people. But she was also looking forwards to being back on the field where she could apply her skills once more. As she walked towards the entrance to the cruiser she decided to strike up some conversation, "So, how long have you been in service?" she asked curiously as she walked next to him, glancing up to her side slightly before looking ahead again.