Oh wow, entirely fair! That works amazingly for me, I was just worried because I work night shifts that it might be too infrequent, but I can totally manage that. [hider=Generic] Name: Renuka Arya Age: 18 Appearance: Ren is a Half breed, as it were. A cross between human and canine, causing her to sport dog ears and a tail. She is otherwise deeply tanned, with dark green eyes and thick black hair. It's short and messy, kept so as to be out of her eyes. She is usually seen sporting bright white clothing; loose fitting pants and a vest. Under the vest is bandages concealing many a scar along her chest and back. She also wears black boots, pauldrons, and bracers. She is somewhat short, standing 4'9" at full height, but is rather well muscled giving her a short and stocky frame. Personality: She could be best described as somewhat dull and uncaring, though that isn't to say she has no emotion. She does, she just lacks much of it for much of the world. If it came down to a choice between saving the person next to them and a quick exit there'd be no choice. Seeya bud. Additional Information: Ren can be very carefully persuaded to her more canine instincts, and this embarrasses her greatly. [/hider] [hider=Game Spec] Game World: FFVI Weapon: Metal Claws Magic: Blizzard: Ice crystals launched at the opponent Aero: Small sharp bursts of wind. Haste: Speeds up attacks. Poison: Saps opponents HP over time. Shell: Boosts Magic defense. Soul Summon: Phantom History: Ren grew up under rule of the Empire, and was given a very hushed upbringing because of it. Lots of people belittled her for her animalistic traits and thus she grew disillusioned with humans and eventually angry with them as a whole. She tried her hardest to assimilate for so long but was cast out at every opportunity. So, she started fighting against them. For a long time, nothing came of it. Then, her family was killed in a Returner raid on her hometown. She didn't understand why at the time, and her vendetta only grew. She fought longer and harder against any who would stand in her way. Eventually it became all she could remember how to do. And with that revelation came the hands, voice, and will of Chaos to her. She was to continue her fight, but against new opponents. The ones who would seek to be like the Returners, ones who supposedly fought for light and justice. She accepted the call and set out to hunt anyone bearing a semblance of Cosmos. She would destroy those fools and prove to them that goodness will not make up for the loss it causes. [/hider]