Julius raised an eyebrow at the man's straight-forwarded arrogance. He had approached two of the most powerful and famous Empowered in the US, possibly in the world - there was no way of telling, with little to no fear. Then again, most Empowered hadn't had the same kind of stage to show off that they had had so it was difficult to determine how strong they were, relatively speaking. [b]"Sound manipulation is it?"[/b] He asked. Impressively, the man barely responded but no one could have kept a completely straight face and Julius' memory would never miss a single movement, no matter how small. [b]"You have a good poker face, I'll admit. Oh, and your power isn't hard to work out for me; the sound waves from our voices are travelling in a very direct manner, only affecting the air in a specific way. It's most... unnatural."[/b] He smiled in a knowing way; a facade while he searched his memory for the sound of the man's voice. It would be inaccurate to call Julius' memory 'photographic' because sounds and smells were engraved just as accurately and completely as images in his mind; with his batlike hearing he had learned to tune out a lot of background noise but if he focussed he could search for sounds from the past easily enough. He found a memory of a far off voice which matched the man's but still within his hearing distance, quiet but just about audible. [b]"Jeramy... not a name I recognise."[/b] He muttered, aware the other man could hear whatever he said. [b]"I suppose I'll just have to keep one eye on you at all times for now, in case your employer changes their mind. There'll be a spare bed somewhere on this floor so go ahead and choose one. Oh, and don't pester Mari. She'll crush you, quite literally."[/b] He sat down on the chair on front of his laptop again and met the man's eyes. [b]"So, do I call you Faust or is that some kind of mercenary name?"[/b]