Name: Ja'quan Sethil "Viper" (Juh-kahn) Age: 92 (Appears 23, though non Argonians would have a hard time identifying his age.) Race: Argonian Class: Shadowdancer (An assassin/mage class that specializes in stealth, alchemy and illusion magic.) Appearance: Ja'quan's hide is entirely a deep inky black, though he paints blood red paint in two spikes from his forehead down past his eyes. He has dark red feathers coming from his head and no horns besides the short ones along his jaw, they are also dark red. His eyes are a burning fiery orange, due to his vampirism.) Personality: Ja'quan is normally quiet and unless someone peaks his interest he ignores them. He sees himself as a true student of death, taking pride in the quick and silent kill and all other forms of death dealing are clumsy, brutish or foolish. He is very intelligent and perceptive, both about people and about situations. However, when his vampiric thirst is not sated he can become quite irritable and even violent, though he is ashamed of these moments, considering it a weakness in his otherwise controlled demeanor. Bio: Ja'quan was once a Shadowscale, part of a group of Argonian assassins, but he was captured by one of his targets, a Volkihar vampire, and assumed dead. However, the vampire admired his skill in getting so close to him and in killing his vampire guards, and so decided to bestow the gift of vampirism upon him, teaching him to use Illusion magic and how to use his abilities. He was only a normal vampire, but because he was of the Volkihar line, he is able to walk in sunlight without burning, though he is significantly weakened by it. He was eventually betrayed by his vampire master and ended up killing her. Since then he has built a reputation in Skyrim as a bounty hunter who specializes in taking down the most dangerous of criminals. He is known in the criminal underground and among the guards as "The Viper", due to his mastery of the quick kill, as well as venoms and toxins. Equipment: He wears a special dark black vampire armor set that is three times as tough as normal vampire armor and enchanted to fortify his illusion magic so that it does not use magicka, though this effect only works with Illusion spells that are not cast on living targets other than himself. Furthermore, he also has a silver ring with a powerful resist fire enchantment, eliminating his weakness to fire. This spell is specially tailored to him, only ever allowing enough protection to keep his weakness at bay, without bestowing any additional fire protection. He uses a an Ebony bow and glass arrows most of the time, though he also has a Daedric dagger and a blowgun. He crafts his own powerful paralytic and lethal poisons, as well as a few others he invented himself and he carries about 5 ounces of each in a special portable alchemy kit. Other: Ja'quan is a master assassin, perfectly silent and often invisible. He is a master of creating poisons and archery. Though he can fight hand to hand, it is not his strong suit. When he does, he prefers to use daggers(which he is also quite skilled at throwing). He is quite dexterous and agile, and his vampire eyes allow him to see in the dark.