Ascot smiled as everyone began looking at the VERTS with expressions on their faces as though each unit was a bag of candy, as well as took a glance at Myriad and Hibiscus, the only two students uninterested in the VERTS. Myriad in fact managed to ask Jonathan a question, a very good one in Ascot's opinion. [i]It was all in good fun[/i], Ascot thought, and, well, it showed that he had at least two exceptional souls among the class. Encountering exceptional souls was what made him heal after...what happened then, and that was one of the perks of joining the Magical 'Peace' Corps. While he hated being drafted [i]again[/i] to the fight, the fact remained, that he had to tackle it, to save lives. [i]You just have to save lives, do you, Ascot?[/i] his own mind told himself, and the boy was briefly reminded of what he had to go through before. He was tempted to shake off the impulse, but he was in public and that might get taken the wrong way. Then, suddenly, the intercom sounded; it seemed as though the [i]Alfred Nobel[/i] was approaching Baler City! "Everybody," Ascot announced calmly, "as you heard the Intercom say, we are approaching our destination. Please go to the lockers to recieve your MPC equipment, which includes Carbonadium/Dura-Ceramic/Fatesilk armors, Instant Seeds, and one injector containing Pure Technology Medi-Gel. Oh, and Mana Batteries; you'll need them." He then gazed at Jonathan, and spoke: "Sorry to cut the class short," he then turned back towards the class. "Anyway, I'll be teleporting to Baler for now, to join with the MPC Vanguard that has been teleported there." When news of the attack reached Baler, a few MPC members had been teleported there right away to help in the rebuilding; the Alfred Nobel was just further reinforcements sent, along with moving infrastructure - the ship - to further help in the rebuilding, and, while they were at it, the [i]brawling[/i]. Ascot hated breaking the spirit of the MPC's laws, as mentioned before, but he had seen the execution of Regular Peace Corps members by Arcana Unlimited Remnants back in Africa, and did not want that to happen to [i]his[/i] people. And with that, he blinked out, vanishing into nothingness. [b][i]A Few Minutes Later[/i][/b] The Alfred Nobel had arrived in Baler, a city where futuristic buildings co-existed with bungalows and stores that looked as though they were built in the 21st century - which they were. It was the sterotypical beach, with sand and coconut trees, but the waves were higher than the usual coasts', earning it the love of surfers everywhere. When Magic arrived in the 2070s, the portion of the coast frequented by surfers became an Energy Demesne, due to the power of the waves and their imprint upon people's memories. Of course, building a Manse, aka a building that was able to properly harness the small-e energies of the Demesne, was out of the question, so there were relatively fewer benefits than the Baler Public Market. Said Baler Public Market being a Desmene due to its age, the number of people going into it, and its status as a Market, which made it a Fate Desmene. Now, however, due to the terrorist attack, the BPM was about to becoem a Shadowland, albeit a minor one. Nevertheless, even a minor Shadowland would harm Baler's tourist prospects, due to its tendency to poison the land and raise zombies. That was probably what the Immortals - once leaders of the Anti-Communist revolution, now almost as bad as the Commies themselves, were going for. Ascot was still apprised of some events going on in the world of Espionage, courtesy of the services of Balthaar 'Thaz' Carlton, his uncle, Heinz Harper's, successor as the head of The Agency...