Alright everyone, I've finally gotten [url=]the OOC[/url] up! Drop by ASAP and we'll get this story going. [quote=TheUnknowable] I'm thinking of joining. I'll have to look over the old stuff to see if I can swing it, but I think I want to have two characters at first. A mechanic guy for setting up stuff like electricity and traps, and an escaped psych patient who thinks the ability to commit wonton acts of destruction without consequences is the best thing ever. Or at least one of his personalities thinks that. The other's a British guy who's far too stuck up to survive in a zombie apocalypse. Or I can make him two characters. [/quote] Everyone loves a good mechanic; those are always handy to have around. The split-personality psych patient - though he sounds like it can be a brilliant idea - make sure he's done tastefully. We like us some character development and brutal, honest humanity. As much fun as it is to write complete destruction and death, don't let the character(s?) become a gimmick. That being said, a snobby British guy who is too righteous for a zombie apocalypse? Now there's something that could make me laugh. Am I the only one who pictures a blood-stained, raggedy man acting like the Queen of England?