"Right! Be with you in a moment! " Maithien barked back at the dagger girl. Things were going to be a bit more difficult now, the now Bohg-less enemies didn't have many people left to focus their attention on but him. Maithien didn't dare peek out from behind his cover for fear of one of the men having their guns ready to fire. But he could hear them stomping their way towards him, ready to have their revenge. [i]'Weeell technically if they wanted revenge they should go to Katewyn. After all the crazy woman was the one that shot him, not me...'[/i] As fair of a point as that was Maithien thought against telling the goons that. Luck was on Maithien's side, sort of. There was a modest amount of cover for him to duck in and out of on his way to the ship. Apparently all the supplies he had ordered hadn't made it onto the ship yet. Normally a pity but right now it was quite helpful. [i]'To think today started out so peacefully.'[/i] He promised himself that if he didn't get shot in this ordeal that he would sleep in tomorrow. Letting out a terrified scream Maithien began his sprint for the ship. A few of the thugs yelled, and right after Maithien made it to the next spot of cover gunshots began to ring out once more, along with splinters of wood from the crate he was hiding behind. [i]'Right, one down... Get ready... Go!'[/i] Running once more, Maithien could feel the slamming of feet behind him chasing him. [i]'Don't think cover is possible now, run more it is.'[/i] Giving all he had Maithien sprinted for the ship before luck decide to switch sides. Running by the Apricot crate, Maithien unknowingly stepped on one of the evil fruits. He lost his balance and rolled his left foot, spraining his ankle. [i]Of course![/i] Maithien spewed out an unholy brew of language, lots of which he learned from Dariq, as he quickly and anxiously brought himself up from the floor. Maithien speedily limped towards the end of the dock, placing his good foot on the edge and leaping into the air with it. Slamming himself into the railing of the ship. He clumsily climbed over, falling back first onto the ground. "I'm in!"