Yolanda's smile faded and she narrowed her eyes. [i] Ulterior motives [/i] didn't so much as flash in her mind as it did walk in and sit down, arrogant and self assured. She knitted her fingers together tightly, almost to the point of pain. She glanced up the street and cursed quietly as she saw the bus. Yolanda didn't really want to get on the bus; she was tired and her muscles ached from being so tense. "Everybody is trying to get somewhere," She stated simply as she stood and stepped to the edge of the shelter. The rain still fell. "I'll see you around, [i]slang in die gras[/i]*." Yolanda glanced back at the man for a moment before stepping out of the shelter and into the rain, not caring that the rain was again chilling her to the bone. [* [i] Snake in the grass [/i] ]