Even though the dragon had evolved into this golden paragon, it still had the essence of darkness within it, practically blanketing the area with a thick miasma. Balalaika was lucky enough to be behind a tree, but Kane stood out in the open, and was knocked off his feet by the powerful expulsion. As he stood and laid eyes on the new creature, it was easy to become infuriated at the thought that all their work up to this point became moot. Even his former idea to strike the beast with fiery punches seemed ill advised. It was still possible to launch fire or even lightning at it, but there was no telling how effective those powers would be against this new form. Sorin then came to Kane with the dagger, which was a questionable decision. How much could such a small instrument really do? Kane would snatch the blade from his hands to examine it closer, but his full attention went to the voice now in his head. This one was… new, to say the least. It clotted his mind and made it very desirable to do its bidding. Kane had half a mind to stab himself with it, although by the way Sorin spoke of its power, that would be a very bad idea. Feeling empowered, the burned one made a mad dash to the dragon’s tail, hellbent on painting it crimson. Wrapping one arm around the small end like a lock, he would viciously stab and stab and stab again.