[center][b]Dagny[/b][/center] Her head tilted slightly as she watched Ark give Ari his jacket. A better person wouldn't have been bristled by such an innocent and kind gesture, but annoyance vibrated up Dagny's spine. First this this guy attacks her and now he's playing boyfriend? She snorted as he stood up to face her, smoke filtering out from her nostrils. She smirked, though, making a point to show show off her jaws. Admittedly, she couldn't see the Draconian in front of her very well. Being far sighted meant he was something of a white blur before her. But she wasn't going to put on glasses to see the guy better and her mind wandered off a bit as she considered how ridiculous that'd be. Though she caught notice of the crinkle around his eyes--he obviously wasn't happy to see her. The tone of his voice when he acknowledged her confirmed that. "It's Dagny," she corrected with slight growl to her voice. "Get it right, Mr. Nine," she provoked, poking a finger to the taller lizard's chest.