[b]Nemasaire:[/b] The only thing off about your post is that there's still a hostile army out there. Command tents, supply wagons, seige engines and such are still hanging around outside the city, and the fields have probably been trampled. It's not super-important - it could be assumed that Sir's field of vision is limited and he's looking in a different direction from the advancing army, for example. Otherwise, both your posts assumed different things than I did, but that's 100% okay. It happens in literally every game, and I deliberately gave the players a lot of power and freedom to keep that sort of thing from being a problem. We're only two posts in so far, but I'm already very satisfied with everything about this game. Except maybe that everyone else is outshining me, and I can't keep up with this post length forever. D: [b]Lexicon:[/b] Thank you, I had forgotten all about that. [b]Edit:[/b] It seems like I can't. 65535 characters seems to be the limit. Maybe Raptorman could copy them into his first post in the thread?