[quote=Jedly] *Slides in holding coffee cup*Pretty interested. I'll have to think up a character... Half tempted to conjure up a chuunibyou, since it's something I've never done before. [/quote] Alright! [quote=Lucius Cypher] Alright, I'll bite. I'll also see about bringing a crew with me while I'm at it. [/quote] Please do! [quote=Ryonara] Alright, so I've been called here. Just so you know, I don't really know much about anime and I don't keep up with a lot of the more recent ones. Also I might not post in the OOC , though I'll at least try to maintain some sort of presence. [/quote] It's fine if you don't know much about anime. It's got an anime theme, but that isn't something that should be too overwhelming. Presence is fine! Just maybe chat a bit with some of the people you're role playing with. [quote=ERode] My advertising brings all the boys to the yard.Now, is this going to get hit by a truck? Or afflicted with cancer? [/quote] Great work ERode! If you're asking if this will die, I would hope not. In addition if anyone needs any more information feel free to ask. [url=http://piratepad.net/FJA531]Pirate Pad[/url]