[center][b][u]News Flash!: Freddy Fazzbear's Pizzeria has been bought by new people! There is now a Junior section at the Pizzeria AND Junior Animatronics![/center][/b][/u] [hider=Story]So, you and your friends are playing Truth or Dare and a boy named Ghira comes up with a crazy dare:Break into Freddy Fazzbear's Pizzeria and stay the night there: 12 am 'till 6am, for five days. He dares a girl named Emmie to do it and if she does, then he'll pay her. She agreed:but ONLY if she could take some of the others with her. Ghira said that this is fine, but she could only take five others AND that he'll pay each of then the same amount! She picks five others. Ghira somehow gets the key and you guys get your stuff. You guys explore around a bit. Coming through the entrance, you walk into the dining area. [img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/G9vJlrz3UzP7OvHVMNn8Gn1wjp5wmW-VY0sZ5T0sAnjAqkvQGl5aUo1NaJqIkGqf61VLywrdwtPPw0EjlMobQPKG20E=w426-h240-n[/img] There's an unopenable door on the top left hand corner (kitchen). Coming in, on the right there is the show stage with the three animatronics. [img]http://media.tumblr.com/d85ec16b0baeb23abf733095546f0eef/tumblr_inline_naxovugxHN1rpl7t2.jpg[/img] Coming in, on the top right hand corner is Pirate's Cove. [img]http://media.tumblr.com/f0de0500bed43f091b985989f63b64ce/tumblr_inline_naxccqCRrj1r83dhh.png[/img] Coming in, in the bottom left hand corner are the Bathrooms [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140922005618/fivenightsatfreddys/images/5/58/Bathroom_FNAF.png[/img] At the back wall, there are two halls, on on the left (west) and one on the right (east) which lead to a security room. Left: [img]http://media.tumblr.com/e26b23c81d25884f0b201805a47c2752/tumblr_inline_napvq4Sffg1rkpqpf.png[/img] Right: [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/964c7758c868e95e1d91b3ee78830cee/tumblr_nahf4zDB0m1su1nd0o3_500.png[/img] Security Room: [img]http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/25207000/ngbbs53fa9a8df055e.png[/img] Going back out into the Dining Area, on the bottom right hand corner is the Junior's section/Kid's corner, which looks similar to this, but where Foxy 2.0 is, there is a stage with junior animatronics and off to the side, there is a mini Pirate Cove: [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/f18942ccf75396bb0364b80f61d7d382/tumblr_inline_ndthrxPKf11so972a.png[/img] Faith Pirate, but instead of the raggedy pants she has a raggedy dress:[img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/e37af2abb35e47e6e07b75bd53ac1122/tumblr_inline_nal6jcCFwi1rreoub.png[/img] Freda Fazbear, but of course she isn't humanized (it's the one in front, ignore the others):[img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/f/2014/235/3/e/five_nights_at_freddy_s_by_kuroionigumo-d7wcyf5.jpg[/img] Benny Bunny: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/232/e/8/bonnie_the_bunny_by_little_deity-d7vz4aj.png[/img] And last but not least, Chad Chicken (top right, ignore others): [img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/bb/16/e6/bb16e6151bc82b7932dd227ed86a4f8c.jpg[/img] You guys go back out in the dining room to begin talking among yourselfs on where to put the sleeping bags and things when the power. Turns. Off...and Freddy disappears. Oh, if only they knew what they were in for....[/hider] [hider=CS:Darers] Name: Age: (Only 13-18) Looks: Personality: Quote: Other: [/hider] [hider=Accepted Darers] [center]Gemini as Emmie Volayz [img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/18199724/large.jpg[/img] Sightles as Kenneth Clarke [img]http://www.vh1.com/celebrity/bwe/images/2007/09/Greg.jpg[/img] XoXoAwesome as Yuuna Hayashi [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=45656211[/img] arowne97 as James Hunter [img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/kidzworld_photo/images/200843/4e18b1a9-3a42-4f27-9746-65a31ee71c46/RedHairGreenEyesAnimeBoy.jpg[/img] Boboclown as Otoko, Kawai [img]http://i.imgur.com/HMo3Ybd.jpg[/img] [/center][/hider] If you wish to be a animatronic, then you must choose from one of the following: [hider=Animatronics] Freddy Fazzbear= Male, Adult Olimario948 Freda Fazzbear=Female, Junior Bonnie Bunny=Female, Adult Benny (or Ben) Bunny=Male, Junior Chica Chicken=Female, Adult Chad Chicken=Male, Junior Foxy Pirate=Male, Adult Bobo Faith Pirate=Female, Junior Gemini [/hider] Animatronics with names under them mean that they are already taken. [hider=Rules] 1)No Garry or Mary Sue's 2)No Bunnying ((Unless you're an adult animatronic. Foxy and the Juniors manually move, SOMETIMES they teleport, except for Faith)) 3)If you get caught, then role play it out 4)Romance IS allowed, but keep it to PG-13. 5)Your application MUST be accepted enable to role play 6)Don't be too OP 7)Use proper grammar. No uncapitalized beginnings/names or misspelled words please! 8)Don't control other characters! 9)No OOC drama! 10)Swearing is fine, but DON'T OVERDO IT!!! 11) HAVE FUN!!! 12)If you have any questions, ask! Don't be afraid to be judged! [/hider] [hider=My Character] [center][img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/18199724/large.jpg[/img] Name:Emmie Volayz Age:14 Personality: Cutsie, kind, flirty Quote: "How can one see the moon when they have already seen the sun?" Other: She is very quick, from running to thinking. But, she can get scared pretty easily. She was the one who took the dare because she didn't want to look like a scaredy cat. She wanted friends with her though. [/center] [/hider] Also, the power in the office DOES work but you don't have to stay stuck in there and you guys can wander around!