[b]Mikami Kumini[/b] To say Mikami was frantic would be an understate meant. Public transport systems were running behind schedule because of the mess the explosion had caused, meaning he hadn't really made it much of anywhere since he'd left Shunsuke. He'd just about had a breakdown on his walk. He almost though about ignoring his cellphone when it rang for what had to be the hundredth time that day. Luckily, he didn't. The Blue King's eyes lit up and then immediately dropped again. His lieutenant knew where Kouki was, and that was good. That was more than good, actually. Mikami rationalized with himself. He couldn't be in too bad of shape if all that Ayano had said was that she'd found him. On the other hand, that meant she was now aware that Mikami had a son, something he'd worked his hardest to hide since he got the position. He texted her back, simply saying [i]Come to my office right now. We need to talk.[/i] He supposed to could have been worse. It could have been another clan that found Kouki. Maybe it was the paternal instinct deep routed within him, but Mikami couldn't help but worry that something was wrong. He just had this bad feeling about it. Although that could be due to the fact that his son was just caught in an explosion. With that, Mikami resolved that the best course of action was to go back to headquarters and figure things out, instead of just speculating. Maybe he was walking faster than normal back to headquarters, and maybe he didn't stop to greet the secretaries like he normally did. Oh well. That were more important things to take care of than being nice right now. ------ [b]Kouki Kumini[/b] Kouki liked the man with really red hair. Kouki was more comfortable around him. He wasn't as cold as the girl was. "Okay," he said quietly, nodding as he did so. The girl had called him a strain, and he didn't know what that was, but the way she talked made him think he should e worried about it. Using his uninjured hand, Kouki reached down and rubbed his leg. "It's okay. My legs don't hurt that bad anymore. Just my hand." A week smile pulled at the young boys lips. "Kouki...my name's Kouki." But really, knowing names wasn't important right now. But then he understand the meaning of the man, whose name was apparently Shusuke, words from before. "You know my daddy then?" Kouki's eyes lit up as much as possible for a boy who was still in pain and really tired. But the man had told him to stay awake, so he couldn't fall asleep now. "He's probably worried. Daddy worries a lot. He pretends he doesn't but I know he does." He was absentmindedly rubbing his wrist, trying to soothe away the pain but not really succeeding.