Jonathan roamed the room and tried to pay attention to each student… “What the hell is that?!” He yelled as he walked over to the eyeless dog. “How cute, so affectionate to you. What do you feed it?” He asked as he smiled looking at Hibiscus, although he still didn’t know her name. He started to kneel and acted if he was going to pet it but stopped looking up. His hand slowly crept back as he stood up, his smile vanished. The intercom started squawking some nonsense about arriving at some area. He didn’t really care but when Ascot started speaking his eyes widened. “ASCOT!” He yelled but a bit too late, the boy vanished. “Idiot!” He sighed loudly. As he walked back to the area where his Verts were sitting. Quickly he scooped them up and stood in front of the door, awaiting to hand each student one. “Come with me after you gather your equipment.” He said, to Hibiscus, Myriad, Nao and a few others. He followed them and waited for them to get their things. After he led them to a ship. “This is the Glyph it will get us to the location. Best way to train greenhorns is in the field. Don’t worry I’m sure we won’t die.” He joked as he climbed aboard. There was room for them all with a few seats left open. If they followed him. He shut the door by pushing a button and plugged his Verts into the console. “Systems all green!” Came a female voice as an image appeared walking around. She looked human with a military suit on. “Roger! Everyone buckle up!” Yelled as the engines came on, a cool hum filled the ship as he turned it around. “This is the Glyph, can we get an exit?” He asked the command of the ship. “Command to Glyph. Clear for launch.” Command confirmed as the hatch opened. The sun was just barely in the sky, as he plunged out of the much bigger ship. “Can you find us somewhere to land, Amethyst?” He asked as she moved back into the ship. “Path and landing located.” Amethyst stated producing a landing course. “Quick as ever” He complimented her as he plummeted to the ground. It felt like as if your stomach was now in your head. Soon he touched down, it seemed effortless as he touched down. There was almost no landing turbulence. “Everyone out of my ship!” He yelled as he opened the door. It was mostly because he didn’t want people to puke all over his baby. He waited for everyone to exit and then did the same. He made sure everyone had some kind of weapon and then placed the leftovers back in the ship. An earbud in his ear spoke to him. “Take care of yourself Amethyst.” He pleaded as the ship took off and left. He looked over everyone and pulled out a gun. “Well, this is in the field training.” He said with a grin. “If you’re wondering, yes I am paranoid. I always take precaution and will most likely always do so. We could run into nothing here but just in case we should be ready.” He clarified.