Protip: It's a lot of exposition. You don't necessarily [i]need[/i] to read it, but it does introduce a bit to the realm. Note that if I give people names, it's not for a pointless reason; they will all be a part of the plot. The final thing to know it that, pertaining the end of the post (I know it moves quickly), this is a small symbol of things to come and also is being used as a device to bring the seven together. Can't have all the characters in their own little worlds, now can I? Don't worry though. The rabbit hole definitely goes deeper. Things get immediately trippy and disorienting in the next post or two. It's all part of a bigger thing though. You [i]shouldn't[/i] be able to understand or make two cents about it all, just yet. Also, regarding the sensations/symbols from the fire, feel free to have it be whatever you desire. I left it open to allow you that freedom, in terms of describing it. That's if you even wanted to as well. :p And really, you only have to respond to things occurring during or after the occult ceremony; you don't have to respond to the whole post. Again, most of it was to provide exposition and to be used later. That, and I felt you also deserved a bit lengthier of an intro because you've all been so great. :D I know, it's long. Sorry, and at the same time, you're welcome.