Ark was gentleman-ly enough as to set her into a sitting position, as well as putting his coat over Ari's shoulders. It was really warm. Ari slowly felt how her muscles came back to life after warming up a bit. Not that she could walk right way, though and even if she was impressed by Ark's chivalry, it seemed the total opposite for Dagny, who was standing right before them. Ari was about to come up and fix the misunderstanding, but before she could do anything, the two of them were already at it. Maybe it hadn't scaled to something bad [I][B]yet[/B][/I], but Ari thought it was just a matter of time. Dagny's taunts were not really helping her case. Ari, with woobly legs, tried to stand up, but it was futile. Her legs still weren't answering to what she wanted them to do. Oh, well. If a battle did ensue, then she at least had the best seat in the house. [B]"It really isn't anything, Dagny. I just can't really feel my legs, so...."[/B] She said, just for the sake of appearances. Still, that last thing left a lot of room for interpretation. She started massaging her legs, trying to make them come back to life. She knew that even if she had fun watching the fight between the two, they'd end up blaming her for starting it. So, it was stop a potentially entertaining fight, or watch it, and then listen to a proffessor scolding their asses off.