"No, I told you, it's... oh, come on, you know I need better cards than these. I lucked out, thankfully you already recovered the Rooklord, but... no, no, it's not nearly enough." When the duel had finished, Akio was still outside on the phone. The cheers from the duel and the president's announcements were actually loud enough for him to hear, though he wasn't paying enough attention to understand them. "Ok", he sighed, "I know you need more time to see what you can recover, and what is permanently lost, but I'd really need some new cards for now. I can't always rely on the Urnight and the Crusader". His tone was quickly growing irritated. That day had started badly, and he really didn't want it to get worse, not that the universe seemed to care as he already missed half of the duel against his future opponent, and now he was being told that he would possibly have to wait for his new cards. Wanting to avoid missing another duel, he decided to cut his interlocutor short: "Ok, ok. Just... let me know if you find something. At least, try to replicate the Drago if you can... I need that one quite urgently". Then, he hung up and headed back inside.