The clanging of the PKer's heavy metal armour grew louder every second Cash laid on the ground. Cash's face, disoriented from the dirt and blades of grass that clung to it, had a dazed expression on it. Although his head pounded from the sudden impact of the fall, he could still manage to see the dark haired boy in front of him clearly. ReivaX's run turned into the sprint at the sight of Cash falling, the assault spear wielder was closing the gap very quickly. Both Cash and ReivaX knew what was going to happen and only RievaX had the power to change the inevitable. Cash managed to turn his head to face the PKer who was hot on his trial, nearly 6 meters away, his spear only about 4. The spear wielder brought up his weapon into an attack position, the bright green glow was a very clear indicator that he was preforming an attack on Cash. RievaX's eyes widened at the sight of the glowing spear, his window of opportunity was closing and he needed to act fast if he wanted to save Cash in time. RievaX reached Cash just in time, and without thinking leaped over him. The spear wielder noticed the curved blade wielder in the air and ceased his attack on cash, reducing the green glow of the spear to nothing. The Pker lifted his spear, it was now pointing at the boy in the air. RievaX looked at the PKer from the temporary vantage point and saw him readjust his spear into a position to attack him. He had to dodge the incoming attack while in mid air, but he was to low to the ground to preform any of his acrobatic skills. Again, the spear began to glow the same green had before, the PKer was going to attack. Cash looked back at the boy, but he wasn't in front of him any more. Cash's face turned into a grim expression as fear crept into him when he lost sight of the boy, unaware RievaX was Leaping over him. In a frightened panic Cash tried standing up and running away, but because of his discombobulated disposition, he attempted to do both at the same time. He fumbled upwards, realising where RievaX had gone once he felt his foot dig into his back . A thought came to RievaX when he felt Cash under his foot, an easy way to maneuver away from the head of the spear. The spear wielder finally lunged at RievaX and at that moment he put he plan into action. RievaX applied pressure to Cash's back, forcing the two away from each other. RievaX pushed off of Cash's back, boosting himself off of him and higher into the air, high enough to preform one of his acrobatic skills. Cash on the other hand, was forced downwards and away from the spear wielder when RievaX jumped off of him. Cash fell forwards again, but this time he rolled slightly, creating a gap between him and the PKer. RievaX saw the spear head speeding towards him, so he quickly activated one of his acrobatic skills, one he hasn't used in quite some time. The acrobatic skill he used aided him in aerial movement. His skill activation pushed his body slightly, just enough to avoid the head of the glowing green spear coming his way. The moment RievaX came to the conclusion that he was no longer in the spear's way, he spun downwards. He threw his arms to the right, making him spin clockwise. Combined with the moment of his jump and his spin, he quickly picked up speed and quickly closed the gap between him and the PKer. Nearly Half way through RievaX's spin, his curved blade started to glow red. RievaX's spin was quickly coming to an end, he could see the PK over his should as he neared completion. Another skill was activated from RievaX, a curved sword skill this time. It was a backhanded slash attack, aimed at the PKer's neck. RievaX swung. His blade glided through the air effortlessly, until it reached the left side of the spear wielders neck. RievaX's aerial spin, helped speed up his extended blade, making the slice quick and easy. RievaX landed on his feet in a kneeling position. Behind him, the sound of glass shattering could be heard. No doubt it was the data of the player being released into the game, never to be seen again. From the corner of his eye Cash could see shard of blue and green fly in different direction, from this, he felt at ease. Cash turned to look at RievaX who didn't seem to be harmed from the spear wielder. Cash watched as the dark haired boy rose to his feet, he glanced back at Cash and spoke. "You good?" He said with airy words, it was clear to Cash that this boy was slightly out of breath. "I-I'm fine. Thanks..." Cash said hesitantly, trying to piece together what just happened. Cash would have asked the boy, but beyond him, Cash could see the other three slowly catching up. Cash's freezing poison must be wearing off because they were no longer running in slow motion, in fact, they were doing the opposite. "We should go." Cash said as he looked past RievaX. "Good Idea." RievaX replied. Cash managed to rise to his feet, dust himself off, and start running off towards the town. RievaX hastily followed. As they ran towards the town they noticed a girl running towards them. "Thessalia!" RievaX shouted, "PKers!" He added, to out of breath to explain any more.