When the girl dropped to her knees, her mind was racing and it became difficult to read except one thing: she really hated Wolfen. Clearly the scars on her back had come from his kind, just as Praxis thought. His own scar through his hand began to burn even worse than before, causing him to tighten his grip around the cloak he had taken from this girl. Just as she was standing up, he finally snapped out of his shock and was about to turn and run when her mind began to consider something very alarming: teleportation. His eyes darted to her sword as his heart skipped a beat. [i]Whoops,[/i] Praxis thought. He hadn't really expected her to be a fighter. Although, just because she has a sword doesn't mean she can fight, right? Besides, it's possible that her teleportation wouldn't cover the gap between them, especially considering how much preparation it took her to ignite the lantern while standing on these giant Yggdrasil leafs, which act as mana sources. Just as the Wolfen was about to turn and run, the figure of the girl vanished and was suddenly arms length away from him, extending a sharp, cold blade and pressing it against Praxis' exposed throat. His head was tilted back from the blade as she made her threats, and when she was finished he smirked down at her. [i]So her teleportation is just speed, huh?[/i] he analyzed, noticing the kicked up trail of snow behind her. He began to search the girl's mind for the information he wanted. It went pretty smoothly seeing as they were standing on and surrounded by considerably sized mana sources. Suddenly, he jumped back, putting almost the same distance as before between them. "That's some impressive speed you have. However, speed will only get you so far..." Praxis paused, then continued when he found her name in her mind. "... Miss Aruna." With that, he slumped down on all fours where he was most agile and pushed off the ground as hard as he could, and, with the help of some minor air magic his tribe specialized in, reached a limb about fifteen feet off the ground. Pulling himself up on top of it, he attempted to hide his exhausted sigh. The digging that deep into someone's mind and then using a different kind of magic so quickly wouldn't have even been possible had they not been in such a mana-rich place. He smirked down toward the newly identified Aruna and waved before turning and leaping in the opposite direction toward another branch.