[i][u]Henry Olin, Adam Blackmore, Jake & Gabriela Valos[/u][/i] ---- Henry had been admitted to the hospital upon arrival, and rushed to urgent care, where he was administered supplementary IV's to sustain and aid his healing. He regained consciousness at 6:19 PM, forty one minutes ago. But the whole process had been grueling on his body, and in the end it had left him tired and beat. He had been victorious that day, but it was a Pyrric Victory. Most of Henry's injuries had healed over by now, the gash on his back was now gone, and his pectoral muscle had healed over and shed it's scab already quite nicely. His jaw was still in the process of fixing itself. It have rounded out and healed over where it had been splintered and cut in half, and was already beginning to extend again. Teeth were growing back, the usual stuff. It had been largely wrapped up to prevent his tongue from lolling out, and he had been outfitted with a small collar like piece of technology that had a button on it. This allowed him to speak by sensing his vocal cord vibrations, and outputted them from a speaker, creating a semi electronic voice for the time being. He had been spending his time writing to his family about what happened that day, and letting them know he was okay and would be fit to visit them for his sister's wedding still. He also had been using this time to catch up on the latest Walking Dead. He was just about finished with the first episode. Working and grading took time and energy, and since he became a teacher he didn't have nearly as much time anymore to have a glass of wine and watch TV like he used to. If it took getting hurt to do that, then he might as well enjoy the recovery time. The door opened, and Adam was the first person in. He held the door open as he gave Henry a look. "Hello, Mr. Olin. I hope you are recovering well." He nodded his head. "These two wish to have a word with you concerning the incident...." On cue, Jake, followed by Gabe, stepped into the room, afterwards, Adam closed the door and he leaned up against the door. All eyes were on Jake since he was the most diplomatic of the Valos siblings. If Gabe was, then they would have been dead ages ago! Jake stepped up a bit, and waved at Henry, greeting him, "Hello, Mr. Olin." He smiled. He wanted to appear as friendly as possible... To counter the aura of fuck off Gabe was giving off. She pushed herself against the nearest wall with her arms crossed, looking like she was ready to rumble. "I'm going to start off by apologizing for... all of this," Jake turned his eyes towards Gabe, "We kinda dropped the ball here... The two of us were supposed to be keeping things like this from happening... and we were the ones who let him roam the jungle alone." Jake accepted responsibility for this entire incident. Even if Gabe didn't, someone had to. Jake knew it was their fault. They simply gave the child too much freedom, they thought he could handle himself. They thought he would come back to them the second things go wrong. Henry's eyes darted over as movement and sound came into his area of general awareness. He looked over to Jake and Gabe, the two Hispanic children he had met the day before. He was prepared to give a few one liners if they were students coming in to ask for tutoring or for extra credit, and he was prepared to tell them that he wasn't in the condition for it (he could, but he was lazy and actually had an excuse to be lazy). He raised a hand to them and allowed the corners of his mouth to lift in a covered smile, as most of his snout was muzzled in bandages. He listed to what they had to say, and nodded to them. Henry lifted his hand to the little device on his neck and began to press down on it, speaking with a closed mouth, and the little device talking for him. It wasn't his voice, but it would translate what he was trying to say for now. "Apology accepted." Came a slightly robotic version of Henry's own voice. "I'm glad I got there when I did, things could've been a lot worse. I'll bite the bullet any day for you kids. I don't know if you all can bounce back from it or not, but I can." "Thanks, Lizard-man, I appreciate it." Jake started off with a smile on his face. He was mostly using the apology tactic to get Henry to warm up to them. It worked, since Henry wasn't screaming profanities at him. Now came the big question of what happened, how it happened, and [i]why[/i] it happened. This was where things got bumpy. preemptively, Jake walked over to Gabe and whispered something in her ear. Something about letting him do the talking. Before he turned to Henry and tipped his glasses, "I think we need to get to the point. We need to know what happened back there [i]exactly[/i], because we are in the dark here, and we really need to know." "So no bullshittin' us, eh?" Gabe said underneath her breath. She was just as annoyed as before, but Jake insisted that she keeps her mouth shut, so what else can she do? Stand here and look mean and hard. One of Henry's eyes snapped over to Gabe, and watched her for a moment, before refocusing it itself on Jake again. "Yes," Henry began. "In truth, I don't know how it started, I had taken a few students out on a little jungle adventure, Jaska and Aislin weren't part of that group. Dana had come back injured from a bear attack, deliver to use by Asae, the bear man's fiance. I was about to take everyone back when I heard screaming and roaring. I didn't know if it was Asae, or whomever, but the sounds didn't match any animal on our extensive list of creatures that inhabit the island. And I would know, I've hunted all of them at some point." Henry said, taking a break for a moment to breath, before continuing. "So I had the others take care of Dana, as she's disabled, while I went to go and check it out. I had them follow from a distance, in case we needed backup. I'm glad I had them do that." Henry said, falling silent for a moment and casting his gaze over to Adam, before returning his attention to Gabe and Jake. "I'm glad I came too, because when I arrived I was confronted with a ten foot tall creature straight out of hell who was about to kill Aislin. So I got involved." Henry said. "I fought your brother, and floored him a few times. I did my best to stay out of his way, but he caught me good in my chest, and then grabbed my by the neck and threw me through a tree." He said. "Not into a tree, [i]through[/i] a tree." he said. "I'm not too sure what exactly happened after that. I was unconscious for a little while but when I came to, everyone and thing was wet, my wetsuit was ripped to shreds, and I was a thirteen foot tall reptilian monster who was able to go toe to toe with your fifteen foot tall brother and win a game of strength." Henry said, somewhat proud of himself for managing such a feat. He didn't know Jaska, but he had learned enough to know he was incredibly powerful. "Sorry about ripping his arm off by the way. Is he okay? He looked it when Adam got him back to normal, but I was out of it." Henry used his free hand to rub his chin, or lack thereof. "He got me back good though..." This was some pretty bad news actually. Mid-explanation Gabe and Jake had to exchange glances. Everything about Henry's jungle adventure was ignored, as it was irrelevant. Jaska had gotten into a fight with a number of students who had to defend another student. This was expected. They've had to do the same... and they had the scars to show it. "I see..." Jake didn't know how to honestly respond. "What's done is done, I believe." Jake shrugged. He was calm. There was no need to get angry, nor burst into tears. He was mature and composed enough to know [i]how[/i] to go about any given situation. "And he is in one piece... A transformation of that level put a heavy strain on his body and he needs time to recover. At best, he'll be out of the hospital in a few days...." Jake trailed off. Figuring this conversation was over. However, "... I wanna talk to dis' [i]'Aislin'[/i] chick." Gabe started off, taking one good look around the room. "Reason's leadin' me to believe that she has somethin' to do with dis, and I wanna have a word or two wit' her." Gabe was rather perceptive here. "We done here, Lizardman." She blew Henry off as she was about to walk out the door. Which swung open at that moment, revealing a blonde nurse on the other side. She looked down at Gabe, then scanned the room. "I'm looking for Mr. Blackmore. One of his students, Aislin, says it's urgent she speaks with him." Adam turned his head back towards the door. He figured as much. Since the conversation was coming to a close, he felt the need to leave. "If you excuse me... I will handle this." He walked out the door and followed the nurse. [i]The fuck you lookin' at, bitch?[/i] Gabe had to think to herself as she looked up at the Nurse as she dragged Adam away. However, bitch-nurse mentioned Aislin, just the person they're looking for. "Eh, Jakey, ya' in the mood for some sneaky-sneaky?" She said with a grin as she crossed her arms. The two's twin-telepathy allowed Jake to deduce what Gabe wanted. He turned towards Henry and put a finger to his lips to make a hush gesture. Both Gabe and Jake disappeared as they followed after Adam and the Nurse. Using stealth and all. [i][u]Aislin Rose, Nicholas Raynor, Adam Blackmore, Jake & Gabriela Valos[/i][/u] --- Aislin couldn't keep up. No matter how fast she ran, the shimmery blue lady only disappeared further into the encompassing darkness. The ground below Aislin's feet stank of tar, sucking at her feet. Slowing her down. The blue enigma slithered away despite Aislin's efforts to fight the nightmare. [b]"Dammit, face me! Come back and face me!"[/b] Aislin yelled into the darkness, but her voice only bounced off the cave walls. She sank into the floor, helpless. Bright fluorescent lights burned her eyes as Aislin jolted awake, panting in her bed. A grin spread across her face as she realized where she was. The hospital, just like she wanted. It was only slightly creepy someone dressed her in a gown, but she wasn't surprised to see the IV in her arm. She moved the tubes so they wouldn't catch on anything. It was a-storming outside. The rain pelted her window as Aislin pushed a button to make part of her bed rise. She wanted to sit up comfortably while she went through what her memory could remember. Now, how did she get here? Aislin recalled a bright, warm glow being administered to her by the healer in the jungle. It was so relaxing, she must have passed out halfway through the treatment. Looking over her body, Aislin couldn't find the abrasions she knew her skin took when she was thrown across the clearing. And, feeling her rib, Aislin grinned as it was, of course, completely healed. Aislin took a deep, satisfying breath. No stars swimming in her eyes this time. She seemed to have a visitor slumped in one of the chairs in her room, dark hair and scrawny. [i]My god, it's my healer. I'll have to thank him...[/i] [b]"Hello~"[/b] Aislin smiled, her voice a little hoarse. But, hm, she was forgetting something. She needed to say something to someone... [i]God, that nightmare.[/i] She still had a shit-bone to pick with Adam! And, happy that she remembered, Aislin stared at the buttons in her reach. The red one would bring a nurse, and from there she could ask for Adam's presence. Maybe she'd say it's urgent. Aislin pushed the button, and waited. Screams, horrifying thoughts, blood and tears, all screaming out desperately for an end to their calamity. These thoughts cried out to him, the reminders of the red life water carried all men haunting his mind. What if it wasn't enough? What if he couldn't do enough to save them? What if he broke and burned himself in the process? And...worse, what if he burned others, as well? These thoughts, luckily, all vanished as he was woken from his mostly-asleep state. He had been spending an hour or two since the healings he had done, on both Aislin and Theresa, to rest his body, specifically in Aislin's room, since she was resting and there seemed to be none who needed to talk to her privately. So he had allowed himself to enter that strange state between sleep and alertness, resting his body, but not quite his mind. And such a weakened state allowed for terrible, dreadful thoughts. Not that he always thought like this, but the current events at hand had reminded him all too well that his abilities would need to be improved here, especially if people got themselves involved in -this- level of injury constantly. He was just happy that he was able to be of service, though. Made him feel less...weak? No. More useful more likely. Slowly, however, his eyes looked up to the source of the voice that awoke him. It was the young lady whom he had healed back in the jungle. Luckily, she seemed well mentally, as he knew for a fact her physical ailments had been treated just fine. "Oh. Hey. Good evening. How are you feeling?" He managed to speak out, sounding a bit weak as his voice showed a clear picture of his exhaustion. It wasn't overpowering, but it certainly was something that affected him quite clearly, his hunched over body straightening up as he pressed it against the back of the chair, trying to fully awaken from his strange nearly-asleep state. [b]"Is it evening?"[/b] She asked, taking another glance out the window. Yep, she missed dinner. And she was so looking forward to sitting down with Deborah. Ah, not like she had much of an appetite to begin with anyway. Maybe fatigue did that. He sat up a bit straighter, and she snickered. [b]"You look about as exhausted as I am. I'm feeling better than before, though. Naps don't really do much after life-threatening situations, I find. But..."[/b] Aislin shook her head, smirking.[b]"How rude of you, I don't even know your name."[/b] The nurse still hadn't arrived, but Aislin had all the time in the world. How rude of him? He couldn't help but smile a bit and laugh. Well, at least she wasn't trying to make jokes about getting laid so far, so despite the wording, the inquiry was more than welcome. "Oh, rude of me? Alright. My name is Nicholas Raynor, but you can call me Nick, if you like." He found himself stating with a wide smirk on his face. He tilted his head, gesturing out towards her with his right hand, as if to give her the floor before speaking. "And what about you, miss? Isn't it customary to share names at the same time?" He asked, before lowering his hand and resting his back against the chair again, closing his eyes. The strain of his body was still somewhat strong, though he at least didn't feel like he was going to pass out anymore. [b]"Nicholas has always reminded me of Christmas."[/b] Aislin said thoughtfully. [b]"Though that's likely from all the stories surrounding it. Wasn't Santa's original name Saint Nick?"[/b] She shook her head, smiling apologetically. [b]"It seems I'm still out of it, I'm already off on a tangent. And I was so certain you already knew my name, seeing as you've been surrounded by official people who know everything."[/b] Aislin said, referencing the nurses. Hospitals always knew everything, at least where she came from. [b]"My name's Aislin Rose. And, well, I'm a new student here. But I certainly wasn't expecting such a.. heh, crazy day."[/b] She swallowed, staring down at her hands. [b]"I forgot to thank you. Back in the jungle I didn't know what was up or down. Being hopped up on Theresa's drugs helped, but I was seriously out of it."[/b] She patted her side where she was suppose to have a broken rib. [b]"I'd still be dealing with fractured bones if you hadn't come along. How did you know you were needed in 218's boonies?"[/b] A knock at the door sounded at a blonde nurse poked her head in. [b]"Did you need something, Aislin?"[/b] [b]"See? They do know everything."[/b] Aislin grinned at Nick. [b]"But uh, yes ma'am. It's urgent that I see Adam as soon as possible."[/b] The nurse nodded, closing the door with a click. Nick chuckled a bit as Saint Nick was mentioned, smiling all too happily. "Well, I'm no saint, but I do believe you're plenty right about that being Santa's original name." He found himself answering. Ah...Santa. Now that was a guy he could get behind it. But as she mentioned that she was surprised he hadn't figured out her name on his own, he tapped his chin. Aislin, yes, he had heard that name, but he considered it impolite to simply assume on a dime. After all, wouldn't you like to be addressed properly if you didn't like your own name for some strange reason? He thought this over, but as she told him her name, he smiled, nodding to her. "Its nice to meet you, Aislin. I'm new, too. And to be honest, I came here because it was the only choice after an incident at a school happened which revealed my powers. Parents got paranoid about a freak being among their kids, ya know?" He found himself asking, before slowly standing up and stretching his body. "But its nice to know I'm needed. Makes me not feel too out of place, though...I must admit, some things about this school still make me feel a bit...awkward." He finished, before leaning against the wall. "... I came as soon as I was told." Adam said as he walked into the room. He folded his hands behind his back, and nodded at Nicholas. "Mr. Raynor." He acknowledged his presence before turning to the bed-ridden Aislin Rose. "Ms. Rose, you wished to have a word with me?" Jake and Gabe hid behind the door, pearing in as Adam did his thing. Adam's presence filled the room in the moment the door clicked open. God, he still terrified her. But she had a lot of time to think about exactly what she wanted to say. About how this whole thing was his fault. Anger contorted her face, and she glowered in his direction, even if she couldn't quite meet his piercing gaze. [b]"Sir, I hate to drag you down here, but there's something you don't know. The entire ordeal with Jaska, everything, it could have been easily avoided."[/b] She focused her vehement gaze to the wall, remembering the tragic scene in the cave clearly. [b]"Someone was down there, in the caves. Jaska and I were exploring, and his instincts went in overdrive when he sensed this other human. Blue-skinned, obviously a Meta. I only saw her for an instant, but that was enough. Jaska hurt himself in trying to anticipate her, and things went to hell shortly after."[/b] Aislin returned her gaze to Adam, forcing herself to meet his eyes this time. Her voice softened, she seemed almost sad. [b]"Were you aware of this?"[/b] Adam listened to what Aislin had to say about what happened... her explanation. While he didn't appreciate her attitude, she did have a few points. This could have been avoided - However, no one is at blame here. "I was not aware of this turn of events, nor this woman...." There were many people on this island that could fit the description, and Adam couldn't keep track of all of them. "However, I do agree that this could have been avoided. No one is truly at fault here, Ms. Rose. It was out of everyone's hands." Aislin bit her lip. [b]"I know, sir. I'm sorry for my tone earlier. Is there anything we can do? Like, I don't know, are there suppose to be hermits living in the school's caves?"[/b] Adam appreciated the change of tone. He was refraining from commenting on her rudeness. "It is okay, Ms. Rose." Adam nodded his head at Aislin. "I am not aware of any hermits down there... They aren't even supposed to be living down there to begin with. However, I will be looking into this woman myself soon as possible. Is there anyone else you wish to discuss, Ms. Rose?" Aislin was about to shake her head when she remembered her blackout at the clearing. She didn't actually know the status of Jaska, if he was okay or not. [b]"Only one thing. I missed the last of the battle, is Jaska alright?"[/b] "Jaska is in stable condition here in the hospital. He pushed himself too far when transforming and nearly came to the verge of ashing.... Fortunately he was stopped when he was." Adam tipped his glasses the very second he answered her question. "... Though, he has two siblings who may want to have a word with you themselves." Nicholas simply kept himself quiet during this turn of events, watching Adam walk in. Something about his presence always put him on edge. Perhaps it was his expectation of students to be ready of what he expected of him, like a constant possibility of a pop quiz of sorts he got from other teachers? Perhaps...perhaps not. Either way, he nodded to Adam, keeping quiet and simply listening to Aislin and Adam speak, for now. To say the least, this turn of events were perplexing, though. The source of the injuries being a student who's instincts had gone haywire, thanks to a blue-skinned Meta? One who apparently was deep in the jungle somewhere, and hasn't been seen since? Strange...however, when Adam mentioned Jaska's condition, he cleared his throat, as to ascertain some attention. "I don't mean to be rude, but...is there anything I can do to help? That is...with my healing powers? I don't know how well they would work on someone in his state, but anything I could do to help..." He trailed on, still leaning against the wall, looking specifically at Adam as he spoke. Nicholas's question caused Adam to turn his head towards him and give him a look. He doubted that Nicholas would be able to help much. "I am not sure, Nicholas. It is less of a matter of an injury and more of a matter of being severely drained..." Adam tipped his glasses at Nicholas, "... Your abilities aren't advanced enough to help in that field. For now, food, rest, and rest, are the best remedies for the child." Adam's words brought some much needed consolation. [i]Good God, that kiddie's okay. What would I say to his family if... If things were different?[/i] Aislin shuddered at the thought. [b]"I'm relieved to hear that, sir. And if his siblings wish to speak with me, I gladly would. Heh, I've been meaning to meet them anyways."[/b] She admitted. Nick's offer for help graced Aislin's face with a smile. But she already guessed Adam's answer. Jaska, she assumed, just needed time. As soon as she could, she was visiting that 'lil Jungle King. Honestly, though, she should have been so traumatized from the whole experience that she wouldn't ever want to be around Jaska. Like, ever again. But... She found a friend in Jaska. Monster or not. And no, she wouldn't know if she could be in his presence without locking up in fear. At least, she wouldn't know until she faced him again. But, maybe no more excursions alone... Nicholas slowly nodded. "Very well, sir. In the meantime, I suppose I'll stay here to try to garner the rest of my energy and make sure Aislin has a bit of company before heading on my way out. After all, I am a bit curious about the subject myself of a strange hermit..." He replied to Adam, before moving to stand beside Aislin's bed, leaning against the wall and looking down at her. "That is, as long as she doesn't mind discussing it with me. I can understand that this entire experience has probably been tough for everyone involved. I suppose I should count myself lucky to not be among those injured." He finally finished before looking up at Adam, wondering if he had any retorts or objections. 'Adam nodded his head one last time. He looked at his watch, and spoke to the two. 'I believe it is time for me to depart. I will still be in the hospital if I'm needed, however." He walked out the door, but held it open as he tipped his hat at them. "I will be seeing both of you later." He walked out the door to disappear into the maze-like hospital. Aislin waved him off, glad she had gotten that blue-skinned secret off her chest. But the fun wasn't over just yet. ... However, the door had remained open for an extra blatant second. Two sets of footsteps could be heard coming in. ".... Heeeello there," Jake said as he and his twin appeared in a dramatic puff of smoke. He looked around the room real fast, and examined everyone. Wait, this girl right here, she was the girl that Jaska was waving to during training earlier today. He had no clue who this other nobody was, but Gabe was giving him a glare that sent the perfect message for her: don't talk. "You are Aislin Rose, correct?" He pointed at Aislin. "I am Jake Valos, and this is my twin sister, Gabriela Valos.... I believe we'll need to have a long conversation..." Jake grabbed a chair, and sat down on it, while Gabe simply leaned up against the wall. As the two siblings walked in, Nicholas couldn't help but feel a bit on edge. Something about the girl, especially, screamed out a level of anger. If these were the siblings of Jaska that were spoken of earlier, he couldn't help but feel he -might- need to step in at some point if things got too violent. The guy seemed nice enough himself, but to act as if that made up for the girl's glare at him was a bit of a fallacy. Still...he wouldn't hold it against them. He doubted they knew whom he was, nor did he really care to reveal it to these two. Come to think of it...he -did- remember seeing these two earlier today, before the fight broke out in the lounge. Yeah. He simply crossed his arms and furrowed his brow, watching the two, especially the female, closely, standing along-side Aislin's bed as a way of being an indirect reliability to her mind, perhaps? He'd like to think of it like that, at least. "Now..." Gabe was going to be the first to speak here, since Jake only said to keep quiet when talking to [i]Adam[/i] and [i]Henry[/i], not these two fuckwits. "... I'm gonna' cut to da' chase and ask ya' what the [i]fuck[/i] happened today?" Gabe made no attempt to be diplomatic. Because in her eyes, you get what you want by being direct and to the point, not with a [i]smile[/i]. "... That's putting it the crass way." Jake rolled his eyes as he leaned back in the chair. Adam [i]did[/i] mention the possibility of Jaska's siblings wanting to talk with her, but she didn't imagine it quite like this. The twins were intimidating, all in their own way. The way they entered the room made her immediately feel as though she was in the hot seat. It was uncomfortable, and she felt a heat rise to her cheeks. But if she stared death down earlier today, she could handle this. She nodded when Jake verified who she was. When Gabe spoke, she tried to keep her face as collected as possible. They'd already won with the intimidation tactic. She took a shaky breath, prepared to hold nothing back. [b]"I'm glad you're here, I was meaning to speak with you. Jaska and I were in the jungle, exploring. Everything was fine until Jaska started crawling up the ceiling of a certain cave. He said someone was in the cave, and I only had time to look up. He lost his footing, fell from the ceiling, and..."[/b] This part was hard to say. [b]"He impaled himself on one of the stalagmites."[/b] She shook her head. [b]"The next events happened quickly. We both saw that lady disappear into the depths of the caves, and Jaska... he started transforming. I burned my hand when I tried to touch him. He told me to start running, but I couldn't leave him there. God, I didn't know what to do."[/b] [b]"Of course, you know the rest of the story. Huge fight, all that good stuff."[/b] She said, summing it up. "[i]Fuck![/i]" Gabe hissed through her front teeth. That whole event sounded like a shit storm, and they [i]weren't even there to do anything[/i]. One thing that pissed Gabe off was virtually being [i]helpless[/i]. She banged her fist against the wall, using every once of her strength, which was enough to create a loud boom that could be heard from even outside. Before she planted her face into her palm. "Ya' tellin' me that Little Dragon nearly got [i]killed[/i] on y...." She snarled, before she stopped herself. She knew that Jake was going to tell her how [i]wrong[/i] she is for placing blame on Aislin, and that she should stop. Regardless, Gabe merely sighed and kept quiet. At least until Aislin said something [i]else[/i] offensive. "I...." Jake let out a sigh as he tried to make up for Gabe's outburst. Seriously, all she's doing is making his job harder. "I understand fully, Aislin. Things were completely out of your hand... and I find it unreasonable to place blame on [i]you[/i]." While he was talking, he turned his head towards Gabe as an indirect way of telling her that it was unreasonable to blame Aislin. "It's our fault. We... figured that he was more than capable of handling himself in the jungle so we left him to his own devices." He scratched the back of his neck nervously, looking at Nicholas, then back to Aislin. "We should have kept a better eye on him, because this sure as hell isn't the [i]first[/i] time this has happened...." Nicholas himself simply listened closely, doing his best to hear less of the anger that was in the voices of these obviously upset twins and more-so into their intentions. He knew that in this stressful time, from his own experience, that emotions were betraying of one's true feelings about a situation, especially when it involved someone like Aislin who was in proximity to what happened and was easy to blame rather than...themselves. Not that he was going to assume that was the truth. To say the least, at least Jake was mature enough to handle things without anger. Aislin figured Gabe would blame her. Hell, she kinda blamed herself. It was all hanging on the 'what if'. What if they hadn't gone into the caves, and what if she told Jaska it wasn't wise to climb on the ceilings. Hell, what if there wasn't a blue lady lurking down there in the first place. She met Gabe's eye. Oooh, if looks could kill Aislin would be dead right there. [b]"I would blame me too, honestly. I knew Jaska had family, I was thinking of you the entire time."[/b] Jake was more level-headed than his counter-part. His gaze was much easier to look at, and she continued. [b]"I apologize for what happened today. I don't know if I'll be able to see your brother again, I'd like to, but..."[/b] She trailed off as that sentence could end several ways. They could stop her from seeing him, or she could. Hell, Jaska could. She had no idea how the kiddie felt about all this. [b]"You knew about the Beast...?"[/b] She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. [b]"And you never told the school?"[/b] "Yes, and no." Jake put up a finger, his expression was cold. He figured that Aislin deserved some explanation. "His Inner-Beast... as his mother calls it... was something we are well aware of. It's something that awakens inside of him on the verge of death to give him a second chance.... Which is why we're here. We're hoping that the school is better equipped to handle him than we are. Yes, the school does know of the beast too. They just don't take blatant precautions I guess. Which is understandable, because I don't want anyone getting ostracized...." He scratched the back of his neck. "Because slappin' a tag on 'im that says, 'Oh I'm a monster' tends to do dat..." Gabe cynically says. A light erupted behind Aislin's eyes. [b]"Oh my god. Jaska's the legendary 10, isn't he..."[/b] "Not sure, but the answer is most likely yes...." [i]Truly his mother's masterpiece.[/i] Jake recited that line in his head as his gaze didn't leave Aislin. Nicholas had listened for a great deal, taking in all of the information spoken. As an outsider, he supposed that his feelings might be flawed, but the more he heard Jake spoke, the more he could sympathize with Jaska. As someone who was ostracized from his own community because of his abilities, he felt...almost saddened. Not just because of how Gabe seemed, at least, to be tempted to blame Aislin, but because he knew that when he recovered, Jaska was going to feel awful. Because he knew that feeling, too. Luckily, he had been able to mend things rather quickly, at least physically, but there are some emotional scars that don't mend as quickly. Slowly, he opened his mouth, beginning to speak. "If you don't mind me saying, I don't think anyone should be worried about being ostracized, though I completely understand your concern. I came here myself for that exact reason, and frankly, I don't think that we should purposefully guilt anyone here. It was a set of incidences that no one really had any control over...but perhaps we should prepare for this ahead of time. Maybe instead of a group of two, a group of three, including Jaska, should be able to roam freely. After all, the last thing we want to do is punish each other for not even doing any harm." He finished. He sounded a bit more thoughtful than previously, when he had spoken to Aislin alone. Perhaps he had a bit more maturity when given time to think about his words? Who knew. He simply took a step back and listened once more, until... [i]Who is this fucker?[/i] Gabe gave Nicholas a narrow glare as he spoke... She didn't like how he was just hovering over them, minding their business. If it was any of her business, she'd kick this nobody's ass to the curb. Let him fap around in the rain. Needless to say, Gabe didn't care too much about what he had to say. Because this kid was just talking to talk! Trying to compare with something he knows [i]nothing[/i] about. He doesn't have to worry about getting ostracized because he isn't like Jaska. He will be in control of himself at all times, while Jaska has to struggle. Gabe rolled her eye up into her head. Ignoring him completely. "Thanks for the word of advice." Jake nodded his head. Unlike Gabe, he was more receptive to Nicholas, he knew that the child was waiting to talk, and now he spoke. "I appreciate someone who speaks their mind. I will keep your idea in my head for next time. Because I know we cannot keep Little-Dragon out of thos-" "... [i]Hey, guys![/i]" Sylvia loudly shouted as she kicked the door open. There was no explanation as to why she's here, nor why she knows they're here. Only that she's here. She had an iPhone in her hands that displayed a very curious image. "... [i]I found the Animal-meta porn! It's nasty as fuck! Wanna watch?![/i]" "What the fuck? Sylvia?!" Gabe raised an eyebrow as Sylvia made her grand entrance. What was she talking about Animal-meta porn for...? Oh god, it brought her back to the training session with Asae and the Panda-fucker. Specifically that conversation. She shuddered at the thought... but was oddly curious. Jake merely groaned as he hung his head, "Hello there, Sylvia..." OH GOD. Oh dear Lord Jesus. He widened his eyes, quickly averting his gaze from Sylvia as he blushed profusely. -She- had to be here. He wasn't all too interested in any sort of porn, and even more-so if it involved animals. UGH. Quickly, he reached into his backpack, pulling out a 3DS and snapping it on, before staring down at it intently and proceeding to initiate what was to him the most intense fight of all time. The urge to -not- look at something he knew he didn't want to see, even though his own curiosity raged within his mind to look. Maybe if she didn't notice him, she wouldn't prod him more than she would the others...just, don't look, Nick. Don't. Look. The whimsical catalyst made a powerful entrance. [b]"Holy shit, avert your eyes!"[/b] Aislin giggled, hiding her own gaze behind a hand. It only took a flash, but now she was scarred for life. It existed, Animal-meta porn existed. She only laughed because it was the perfect catalyst. The room was getting grayer by the minute. Now, Aislin had yet to meet this Sylvia character. She could already tell this lady required others to have a thick skin. Very thick... As disgusting as it sounded, the Valos twins were intrigued. They moved over to Sylvia's sides and looked over her shoulders at her iPhone. Before Sylvia pressed play and the magic commenced. Sylvia had her phone on speaker. So everyone could hear the porn in all it's glory! There was lots of deep, bestial, grunting, and moaning, and growling, and roaring. Lots of wet-slapping sounds too! "Oooooh, sheit!" Gabe loudly shouted as she watched in bile curiosity. This has got to be the weirdest porn Sylvia has ever watched. "God damn that's nasty!" Jake shouted as he put a fist to his mouth. He had a cheeky smile on his face as he laughed quietly. Aislin rolled her eyes. [b]"If you're going to make that big of a deal about it, you have to let me see. I want to be forever changed too."[/b] she said, only half-sarcastic. Being in bed and attached to an IV made it impossible to see the screen. All she got were sounds. And yes, even the sounds were nasty. [b]"They don't even sound like human sexy sounds..."[/b] She said, mystified. Oh god no. Oh holy Christ, no, no, no. He stared intently at his 3DS, intent on not looking away, his faced had turned in a blushing deep red. Just...no. Don't look, Nicholas. Don't. Look. "Well, why don't I show ya'll..." Sylvia walked over with the iPhone, and presented the video to her. In all it's glory! "Yiff, yiff." Aislin's jaw dropped. Yeah, it was nasty. but, oh she couldn't resist. Seductively, she looked up at Sylvia. [b]"You got anymore?"[/b] No, she couldn't do it. She laughed, unable to keep the sexy face. Damn, this was too fun. The most fun she had all day. "... You should be asking [i]the internet[/i] that question." Sylvia said as she looked for even more.