[quote=Monkeypants] Not insulting any one but this is a typical youth habbit of testing to see what one can get away with.[/quote] I get that but the fact is that it kills rps and has been one the biggest problems with Casual roleplays and it ends up pissing everyone off. All of my worst experiences come from players not GMs even though I have run a few who didn't do their job very well, but players can be so immature and such douchebags that it really gets on my nerves. These douchebags are one of the reasons why Nation rps and Naruto roleplays got a bad name. another thing a hate is when people bring politics into chats for no real reason. Seriously two British guys brought their super conservative dogma into an rp I was a part of and they went on a rant with each other about how they hate the idea of Scottish independence. It was so annoying.