Kincaid She tried to think back to what happened before coming to wherever it was they were trapped, but her mind ran straight into a brick wall. Thankfully, it cracked the tiniest bit, but only a single word came fluttering out. It was what she had to assume was her name. It was Kincaid. It didn't sound like a normal name, that was for sure. An alias perhaps? Who knows, she'd find out later. The more important thing was to build trust among these people, so they wouldn't betray her. "I can't say that I do. Trying to remember anything before waking up is like ramming my skull into a thick piece of steel. However, I did recall my name. It's Kincaid, if you'd like to know. How about you, can you recall something from before you woke up here?" Kincaid adjusted her mask, making sure it was covering her face. She wasn't sure why, but it made her feel more comfortable to have people not be able to readily identify her. If that was the case, why offer up her name so easily? Gah, she couldn't stand not knowing herself, and it was going to drive her mad if she didn't get her amnesia cleared soon.