Luka was silent as the girl worked; his face mostly impartial however every now and then he would wince visibly or his body would stiffen in pain of flinch. However not a sound left his lips as a result of the pain, he did somewhat answer her question though. “I was stabbed.” He answered cryptically, looking down. “The less you know the better.” He didn’t mention it would be better for him. The less she knew about him the less she could say if they came through questioning her. Despite everything, he still wasn’t sure if she’d be as accommodating when push came to shove and her life was on the line. He remained silent for the rest of the procedure, taking note of her words. So she had a grudge against the guards, or at least that was the feeling he got from the sound of her voice. Once she finished and got up he sat there for what felt like the longest time, just sitting there and staring at nothing as he listened to the world outside the house. However there was too much activity, too much noise for him to determine whether the guards were still around, where they were or what they were doing. Her words burst into his thoughts and he looked up and then his gaze fell to the food before he turned away. His pride was already deeply hurt by having to accept help from her once. He wasn’t overly keen to do it again, despite the hunger he felt. At her name he only sunk further away. The girl puzzled him a lot, helping him and being so open and talkative. Why? What did she have to gain from this? He knew, by social standards he was supposed to respond with his name, but again he felt the less she knew the less danger they’d both be in, in a world where he was generally surrounded by danger.