[quote=code gary]you shouldnt be surprised, since if youre going to mark that down so seriously ill be ready to hound down all the other fallacies you knowingly commit. this isnt debate team or some facilitated academic discussion, theres something that doesnt let internet arguements get to that point, but i think you dont want to realize that at the risk of getting your feelings hurt i thought this was someone else because of the unicorn avatar, but you should calm down[/quote] Just because you're discounting people's entire arguments simply because of the tool being used to communicate (a tool you willingly agreed to use, and a debate you willingly chose to join) doesn't mean serious and intelligent conversation can't happen in it. It just means that [i]you[/i] are not capable of taking part in them when in such a medium. [quote=Dipper]Why don't you head back over to spam where you can relive the glory days of when you thought you were the coolest person on the guild - If I remember Spam's history of Cool correctly. Acting like you are acting now is what got you Perma'd on the Old Guild.[/quote] Sadly it's "Fuck you I'm the Alpha Dog" behaviour that has gained some people of spam the popularity it has. :/ It occasionally creates people who think the same kind of behaviour is acceptable in OT.