Oh my good god. I used the exact same appearance and title for my first dangan roleplay character. Bloody Midori... Stalking me wherever I go... Old Character V [quote=Pudding] Name: "Luna Lilygrass" Age: 16 Ultimate: Cosplayer [hider=Appearance][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10399450_870213096339580_6054264237010006756_n.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: 'Luna' is a cheerful happy girl who can be very naive at times. She isn't afraid to say what is on her mind. With her costumes on she could be any type of person she wants, she goes off and puts on a completely different persona to who she really is. With her persona on she acts like any typical hyper anime girl you would see on T.V. always cheerful and happy. Without her costume she becomes very timid and unsure of herself, the polar opposite of how she is when in costume Weaknesses: Lacks Self-confidence. Doubts-Self. Can only be happy and cheerful when in costume.Fears: Isolation, Losing all her friends, Being forgotten. History: Luna was an average girl when she was younger, bullied at a young age she developed a complex. She would watch these funny little shows that were called "Anime", wishing she could be like her favorite superheroein Sailor Moon! Once browsing the internet she came across people who would dress up and act like their favorite characters, there were even conventions with competitions. Staying back after school in the textiles room she would create her newest costume that she would show off to all the attendees of the convention. Once at the convention she introduced herself as 'Luna Liligrass! Defender Of All Things Justice! She was a hit, getting thousands of different people asking for autographs. On occasion she would receive invitations from conventions to perform a specific character. [/quote] Yeah... Brings back memories... I ended up changing the appearance because I felt uncomfortable with Midori's costume xD I'll have Savo quote me on that though o3o Anyway, Iori's is accepted, I'll add her to the list later. I'll write you into the RP when its time for your apperance. Thats offically last person I'll accept xD for serious this time!