[quote=Revans Exile] Yes.As for his neutral policies/acts, a billion neutral acts/policies do not counteract even one socialist act/policy. [/quote] Not entirely sure what to make of this statement but judging by your comment below it seems like you don't like lefties. Anyhow, surely you cant be serious? Im biased because I'm already on the left but isn't enacting just one neutral policy that gives non-white Australians equal rights worth enacting just one Socialist one?[quote=Revans Exile] I was being kind, since he is dead. He is a socialist scum bag who should be rotting in hell. Besides if you are left of center you are Liberal &/or Socialist scumbag regardless what your country calls their parties. [/quote] You don't understand the joke. Whitlam was part of the Labour Party (left wing) who won after 23 years of Liberal party (right wing) government and was then betrayed by his right hand man who gave power to the Liberals. To you it may not be funny, but the Australians who read it probably got a giggle or two [quote=Revans Exile] Liberal &/or Socialist scumbag [/quote] Well it was only a matter of time before someone around here said it directly I guess. Well done. However I must ask what exactly makes Liberals and Socialist (two very different groups btw) scumbags