They were on sale on XBL for $5 each, decided why not. I had played the demos for both back before they had come out, didn't really see much in them at the time. KoA feels like Fable over all with the sillyness toned down and the grim turned up, but still holds that kind of art style. A good game, but not one that can hold my interest long at the end of the day...much like Fable. DA2, though.....Only a couple hours in, already love the game like a Bioware fanatic. It has it's flaws, but overall(so far) it's narrative is amazing. The gameplay is just more DA, not complaining. But Hawke....Mother fucking Hawke. No matter what dialogue I choose, I find him saying EXACTLY what I'm thinking or have already said word for word. His reactions, his choice of words, his overall attitude all basically match me. And then I met Fenris... If Hawke is how I am around other people, Fenris matches me when I dont care to wear 'the mask'. Perfectly. Going to dive back into Kirkwall, need more.