Argentus' departure from the city was delayed by the rituals and the assembling of troops. Eventually, the men came together and with all expedience he marched to Caesena with his enormous force of 19,000 courageous citizen soldiers. The Ex-Socii Legion was entirely his innovation. The Roman tactical model depended on the city states with a strong equestrian tradition. To create 4 legions of all Roman style would leave the army undefended against the elite Carthaginian cavalry. With his Campanian cavalry and Equites Extraordinarii, he felt adequately prepared to meet Hannibal. The additional Etruscan legion may even give him an edge in the battle to come. He strolled into the city flanked by his Lictors and Equites Consularem, straight to the lodgings of the Etruscan General. "Ave," He entered the room with the Lictors in tow. "We haven't minutes to waste. Prepare your men to march."