[i]Maybe I should have never come here...[/i] I think as I get up and notice some strange shadows just outside my window. This place was testing my sanity, and testing to see just how much craziness I would put up with for a decent job. I wouldn't put it past this place to do exactly that, as, even my parents seemed to be effected, but, just like me, whenever they asked about it, no answer was given. Nobody would tell any of us what was going on here, or what strange creatures they might be hiding from us. This was supposed to be my final home, the last time I'd ever move, but... I was beginning to think that it was a mistake coming here. I make my way to my dining room and see some white-haired guy wearing a bandana walking out towards the forest for no apparent reason. Normally, that would weird to me, but, he fact that he was human instantly made that guy one of the most normal things I've seen today. [i]Maybe I HAVE gone crazy... but if so, then how? When? Did I even make it to Haven Marine, or is this some sort of coma-dream?[/i] I ask myself as I finish my breakfast, and notice two more individuals. They appeared to be talking, and one of them was holding a briefcase, of sorts. I opened my back door slightly so I could hear them, and what I heard was "...yeah, and make sure there aren't any humans listening in on us," that was odd, but right after that, the 'person' without the briefcase sniffed the air, and reported "Hm... there shouldn't be any humans nearby, sir... though, there is an odd creature, and another demon. I think we're safe to talk," I smirked, knowing now that I was safe, that is, until they said that there was another demon... well, more importantly, that there was ANOTHER demon, implying that these two were demons of some sort, or at least, were crazy people who thought they were demons. No matter what the case, whatever these two punks were or were doing would most likely explain all of the oddities that have occurred up to this point. Though... another thought came to my head... that guy with the bandana was still close by, right? All they said was that there was another demon, and an odd creature... what in the heck IS that guy? I listened in some more, and they started to explain "That's right, as long as they keep fearing us demons, they'll keep buying our ineffective 'repellant', and keep earning us more money!" The one without the briefcase then added on "And, what, exactly, ARE they buying?" The briefcase-carrying demon replied with "Water. fifteen dollars for a spray can filled with water, now, this guy's my biggest customer, so, give him a scare, but, make it seem like you're actually afraid of the stuff," [i]Well, I guess you should leave it to a demon to come up with a phony business, huh?[/i] I think, chuckling a little bit at the thought, but, soon enough, the briefcase-carrying man gave his briefcase to the other one, who changed into some sort of giant snake creature, and headed off into the house, breaking down the door as if it were made of Styrofoam. The snake creature presumably gave the man a show, and then slithered away, pretending to be afraid of what I now knew to be water, and nothing more. The briefcase-carrying man then walked off to his next destination, well, given his stubby legs and physique modeled after a bowling ball, he might have actually been running, either way, I had to follow, that is, I had to follow after I took my pistol out of its safe... just in case. Today was one of the few days I had off in the week, and I really had nothing better to do anyways. I just made sure that they didn't see me as I followed... though, since I passed right by the bandana guy, I was pretty sure that he saw me. The continue walking until they reach some old warehouse in the bad part of town. Obviously, the snake thing (whatever it was) became a human again, though, for some reason, this time, he looked completely different. Last time, it was some short kid who looked like a stereotypical bully, but now it was a tall, skinny man who didn't look a day younger than forty. The eyes looked similar, at least, with blue being an apparent theme, but, why would he change his appearance so much? Was there something wrong with how that bully looked? The fat man who no longer held the briefcase, apparently disgusted with the other one's new form, said "Eugh... you could have at least picked a human who showered, and, I don't know, had a place to live!" The other man then responded with "It was on short notice! You can't expect me to sneak into a house and possess its owner in five minutes!" He seemed thoroughly annoyed with the fat man, who laughed, and said "That's right... I forgot that lesser demons like you don't have someone you can just possess over and over again. Ah... what a luxury, not having to worry about how my next host will look, smell, or be expected to act," they then entered the building, and I just started pacing back and forth, not knowing if I should follow them... apparently, they can and will possess humans, which, of course, put me at risk of losing my free will to that snake thing, the thought of which sent shivers down my spine. [i]Maybe if it wasn't just me, I'd be able to do something, but... well...[/i] I think as I continue to pace. To go in, or to wait? I can't just rush in, headfirst, I'd get beaten down and possessed within a minute, however, if I waited too long, they might finally figure out that I'm here, and then I'd get beaten down and possessed... hm... maybe I'm just in over my head.