While true, you have to understand it's not universal. Look at roleplays such as magical academies or VRMMO's or basic tabletops. You can stretch them, throw in a lot of creative lee way, create new things, alter and add to various aspects of the games and it not damage their integrity or atmosphere much. That's their nature. It's a strength of the genre. Then look at AU's, Slice of Life, mystery genres, etc. They are designed with a more strict, more defined nature. The GM should logically be more strict. It's a bit more complex than just RP'ers vs GM's in whose at fault. At times, I boldly say GM's make huge mistakes to the degree their actions are rude and should ideally be reprimanded, if there were a system for such. At the same time, players are far from innocent. Everyone has a creative license, but blaming one side is pointless, especially when you compare the fail-success ratio of the site.