Ark's glare didn't let up. He looked at Dagny in a way that made him seem as if he didn't care, because he didn't. This dragon girl was overreacting to a situation that had nothing to do with her. "Hmm? I guess you two know each other?" Ark lessened his grip on the dagger in his bag. "Look, Dagny. Whatever your mad over, be it what just happened, or yesterday's... incident, it has little to nothing to do with you, so if you could please get out of my way. Otherwise.. well. I think we all know what will happen." Ark looked and sounded like a total dick. He was trying to seem sincere and serious, but, well, that didn't really work out. By "Otherwise.. well. I think we all know what will happen." Ark meant he would have to move Dagny out of the way, though, this could easily be misinterpreted. What a terrible situation. (#Scaleswag. #Sinkdahship. #Biasboat. #Scalesquad.)