After her refreshing bout of revenge – she much rather had taken it further, but witnesses were about! – Lovedaia decided that the library was the best place to peacefully rest until the dreadful and dull assembly. It took but a moment for her to enter, then spending most of her time reading up on the griffins she had seen the previous day. She scanned the books carelessly, easily remembering trivial information though her mind seemed to block the absorption of the more important matters like how a griffin actually digested their food. When Lufu next checked the time, it was about then that she had to leave. She heaved a sigh. The halls weren’t as crowded as they were before, people having moved towards the damned congregation. Lovedaia shouldn’t be complaining, her presence wasn’t needed and she only went because she had nothing else to do, but, frankly, the Marden girl couldn’t give much about what she [i]should[/i] be doing. Also she liked to hear herself; this was most obvious when she muttered every few seconds; “Damn, shit, stupid – ugh.” When the assembly began, Lovedaia was as far back as she could be and had her arms wrapped around her body while daydreaming. She imagined herself being a great Magestrava with magnificent powers who could move things with a flick of her wrist; she was a child prodigy and every wanted to be her. It was amazing. Then everyone started clapping and she was slammed back into reality. Grumbling under her breath, she clapped half-heartedly and stared enviously at the headmaster on stage. He probably never had trouble with magic.