One day, without warning, a huge hole appeared in the world. And from it emerged many demons. Soon after, the world was filled with despair and chaos. The king decided that the demon king, Rchimedes, who was sealed by the hero, Creasion, 1,000 years ago, must have been revived, and sent the heroes descendants to defeat the demon king. Sadly, the true descendant was unknown so the king simply grabbed any teenager of the right age, 16. That resulted in 75 possible descendants. Each of the heroes has a royal soldier to assist and protect them. [b]CS Skeleton~[/b] Appearance: Name: Age: Gender: Hero or Soldier: Hero number ((if applicable)): Weapon: Bio((TBR is OK)): Personality((TBR is OK)): --- [b]Accepted CSs[/b] [hider=Rosalind][img=] Rosalind "Ros" 19 Female Royal Soldier giant sword strapped to her back with two hilts TBR TBR[/hider]