The runner nods his head and turns around."Oh and in case some sort of trouble should arise, we have placed few guardsmen outside just in that case." He smiles softly and starts his walk towards the out door, the two guardsmen eagerly join the little chitchat for the moment, before the noticed that their small break was over and begun escorting the trio outside, seemingly bored and slightly annoyed that others were having great time while they were stuck outside. "Now that we are all here.." The runner turns and flashes another smile, he too is rather large man in all Mountain Human trademark ways."I am sure that you have many creative ways of escaping and trickering your way out of here." He speaks calmly."But would you really willingly commit such an insult to bail out from Lord Hamheart's royal feast invitation? To you normal people that would be at the least comparable to cheat on dear wife with your own sister." He explains and gets laugh out from the friendly, yet quite intimidating guards, they all seem to be wearing their thick helmets and plated aprons with barely breaking a sweat, while normal man could barely wield any of them."Now young sire, I can by my personal honor assure you, that you will only join our Lord to celebrate his son's birthday feast, and after that you are free to go wherever you please. Of course, if you so wish, you can leave the village in some daring escape act, but I was informed that you would, possibly, be in a need of mercenary proof shelter for a moment or correct me if my sources have been misleading me." He finishes and bows his head slightly, the guards around the three men are not doing anything that would signal them even thinking about arresting Wilhelm nor his cousins, instead of that they seem to be lazing around as much as possible, and two of them are having really intense "rock paper scissors" going on as the runner spoke.