Name: Yosuke Tsukino Age: 16 Grade:2nd Year/11th Grade Gender: Dude Personality: Yosuke is rough around the edges. He's a jerk, a deviant, and a surprisingly intelligent young man. He's been told he was very smart from a young age, and so has a bit of a big ego. He also rejects most societal norms, and is "morally flexible" as he calls it. Appearance: [img][/img] Strengths: He's ready to try anything, and can act surprisingly calm in a tough situation. Weaknesses: He's liable to get violent, and is actually quite paranoid, despite his outer appearance Bio/History: Yosuke was told he was smart his entire life. From the time he was young, he was smarter than most of the other kids, and he knew it. His parents separated at a young age, and he moved a lot until when he was twelve, he finally got settled in at a nice house near Kisaragi Academy. He then skipped a grade, and made friends with some others at Kisagari at his mother's recommendation.