A thump. [i]”Get out of there!”[/i] The sound of a blade slicing flesh. [i]”Let them go! Let them go now!”[/i] Silence, and then a disembodied voice – A faintly familiar voice at that – pierced the still air. [i][b]”LOGGING OUT.”[/b][/i] Malika was vaguely clinging to consciousness – Her vision blurred, fading in and out, and her body stung all over. Sparks flickered in the gaps of her armour as she panted for air, trying to drag herself away. She soon slumped back down onto the floor, the world around her sinking away into darkness, her last moments of consciousness catching more voices… [i]”What happened? W-why did those words appear?” “We could have done it! We could have!”[/i] And then… Malika’s grasp slipped and she fell. Tumbling down. And down. Further down… [i]”We could have done it!” “You’re right.” “Let them go! Let them go now!” “Please. Please.” “LOGGING OUT…” “That means…” “What happened? W-why did those words appear?” “Because… It’s all my fault.”[/i] Everything felt so hazy. Malika knew it had to be a dream, or perhaps just some kind of hallucination. Either way, this definitely wasn’t real life. The world spun around her, features blurring and refocusing with each second. Nothing stayed still. “Hey.” Malika jerked her head up to meet the owner of the voice – Stood before her was a man in a green suit, wearing a matching green helment with a visor. His chest was adorned with a large ‘G’. “G-Great Green?” The figure before her ignored Malika’s shock, simply tossing something in front of her. Glancing down, she recognised it immediately, “T… The Kaze-Kage…?” “You forgot something. Maybe why you were busy getting your teammates killed.” Malika’s eyes widened. “W… Wha…” “Those two died saving your stupid ass. You’re too obsessed with theatrics and looking cool – And you paid for that.” Malika shakily reached for her sword, clutching it tightly. “I just… Wanted be like you…” “And what? You thought acting like a jackass would do that? Get your head out of the clouds and see that playing hero [i]gets people killed[/i].” Malika stayed silent, shutting her eyes. “Pick yourself up, and wake up. You’ve got work to do, try not to screw it up this time.” Malika pulled herself onto her feet, her fingers still coiled around the sheath of her sword, the others curled up into a fist. “I… I didn’t kill them… I didn’t, did not kill them!” She suddenly lunged out with her first as, without warning, the world blurred into nothing. Malika awoke, still sprawled on the floor, but now aching slightly less – Enough to get up and look at her teammates. The mood seemed sombre to say the least. She knew why – She wasn’t the brightest, but she knew what “logging out” must have meant, especially by everyone’s expression. Still, she feigned some kind of ignorance, her voice cracking as she looked at Oliver and peered up, “O… Ollie… What happen to Ceccy and Marv…?”