[hider=Melody Hutchinson] [center] [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/387831-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] [i]Melody Hutchinson[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]Eighteen[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/i] [b]Role:[/b] [i]Musical Intelligence[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Melody is [b]rhythmic[/b]. She has a photogenic memory so when she hears a piece of music on the radio or on TV or anywhere, she can repeat it almost to perfection. Even when she dances, she can follow the rhythm and keep up with the beat. She is easily [b]distracted[/b] and finds herself zoning out or daydreaming often. She loses track of what she is doing and even by the smallest distractions. Melody is a [b]perfectionist[/b]. She likes to keep doing things over and over until she is sure she perfected it, even if it would take all her time up. She is usually very [b]cheerful and sprightly[/b], she is usually always full of energy and hyper all the time and always smiling. She likes to help other people cheer up and doesn't like to see anyone sad. Since Melody was young she had put herself on a routine. She would wake up, shower, get dressed, eat, brush her teeth, and so on. She had been on this routine ever since she was eight years old, and she had gotten so use to the routine she still sticks to it this day, minus going to school. People think its strange how she is [b]stuck to a routine[/b] since she was eight, but she finds nothing abnormal about. Melody pretty much [b]gets along with everyone[/b]. She likes to make new friends and meet new people. She likes to help her friends and she cares a lot for people who she is close to. Melody [b]can be moody[/b] at times, but its very rare she gets angry, she tries to keep those emotions bottled up.[/i] [b]History:[/b] Melody grew up in a middle class family. She never had to worry about money, but she never had that much of it either. She is what you could call a 'musical prodigy'. She started taking piano lessons when she was three years old and the piano instructor could tell she was a natural. Her fingers moved along the keys with grace and perfect poise. She was always close to her family and her older brother. She never had any problems in school and eventually she mastered every instrument you could give her and every music piece you gave her. Even though she plays instruments well, she can also sing, having a natural beautiful voice. She aspires and dreams to become a professional musician, playing in orchestras and even doing Broadway shows as well. She doesn't see herself leaving school and doing anything other then her passion- music. After leaving the mansion, she wants to go to New York and attempt to jump start her career there. She wants to make a demo and send to a music company, a mixture of her singing and playing her violin. She always goes places with it, in case she ever gets the urge to play she can and showcase her abilities. [b]Others:[/b] [i]She doesn't go anywhere without her violin, she carries it in a black case everywhere she goes.[/i] [img]http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/11506870/Skyfire_Electric_Blue_Violin.jpg_350x350.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Still working on it! (=