[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/vep7O5u.png][/center] Ernst arched up his eyebrows, then furrowed them, then rose one up, blinking in mild confusion, but then settled in anger. “Hey, hey, where are you going? You’re not gonna eat breakfast with us? You’re gonna tell us to ‘have fun’ like last night, even refusing a free room? Perkele and Odin,” he cursed to underline his words, “I like a fierce girl but your arrogance is something else! Too much of it, I say.” He waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. “Go out and eat somewhere else, then. I know your types, think you’re better than anyone else. The cutlets and people here are too good for you, I think. Too bad you’ve already spoiled mine. Just as good friends make feasts out of simple meals, bad people turn such feasts into three-day-old [i]nightsoil[/i].”