[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/vep7O5u.png][/center] As he listened to what Kat had to say, Ernst barely parted his mouth, his incisors touching his lower lip and his head rearing back just a bit to give him a little double-chin in an especially mocking facial expression directed towards the arrogant little shit who thinks herself more important than the rest of them! This strange black-skinned woman looks like a pilgrim down on her luck but acts like she was born in a court! What, was she born to an impoverished noble or was she just intrinsically a [i]bitch[/i]? Either way, he decided to be the better person and give her another chance to repair their relations. "Well, you [i]are[/i] black and maimed and the 'fool' part was just a joke,” he said matter-of-factly, easing his face to something more normal. “What the hell are you on about? You look like a scattered monk but act like you were born in the Emperor’s Purple Room; can’t even take a little bit of banter.” He raised his hands and unclenched his fingers wide to reveal his palms in a placating gesture of disarmament. “But hey, if I offended, then my apologies, because I only said those mean things in turn, because [i]you[/i] offended [i]me[/i] after making such a shite first impression since last night; but hey, since we’re going to be watching each others’ backs out there, how about I buy you a drink?” He grabbed a vacant mug and poured some beer into it, raising it in offering. “It’s on my tab. We don’t have to hate each other, you know.”