"I don't know what kind of weapons will be used in the third world war, assuming there will be a third world war. But I can tell you what the fourth world war will be fought with stone clubs." [center]Albert Einstein[/center] And so it happened, the third world war destroyed almost everything we knew. Thousands survived but that made things even worst, now we fight for food and shelter, we are a small group so we have to cooperate in order to not get killed by other people or animals. [centre]Starting[/centre] We camped in a [url=http://www.owenwilson.com.au/system/files/imagecache/product_full/QC0024%20%20Tropical%20Rainforest%20Mossman%20Gorge%20QLD%20%20_DSC8153.jpg]forest[/url] , we are ruuning out of food so we'll have to move to the closes city to see if we can find food or materials. [center]CS[/center] appearence Name: Age: Weapon (only melee for now) A few items in your bag: More info you want to add: [center]Rules[/center] -PG17 -What i say goes -More rules will be added if needed -Write "it is kill or be killed" at the end of you cs