"All I'm hearing is everyone you know would rather starve or whore themselves out than spend time with you. Can't say I blame them, if this is what that's like." Always one for tact, Kat was sure to tread lightly when speaking of such delicate matters. She reached for her apple again and brought it to her mouth for another bite. "And I can do enough. One learns to adapt." One also learns to call on their massive hell-beast whenever convenient, but with this line of conversation, she didn't think it would be the best idea to introduce Hel at the moment. She could tell by Ernst's face that he'd likely already written her off due to her lack of an arm. If she brought up that she had a snow leopard at her beck and call, the idea that she was useless except for Hel would only be solidified. No, she'd let the two meet later on, when the notion that she was weak wasn't at the forefront of Ernst's mind. "And what about you, mister expert marksman?" she asked, shifting the attention away from herself. "Y'know there's more to archery than brute strength, right?" She scoffed and shook her head. Maybe that was why this one annoyed her so – archers annoyed her, especially amateurs. "You need speed and accuracy, or your arrow ain't gonna do shit, and something tells me finesse isn't your strong point."