Toxilus had been given mere moments to prepare himself for the Consul's sudden entry. Wearing the simple cloth of a soldier, he feared his superior would not know him for a Legate. Such a fear was unfounded however, as Argentus greeted him. Toxilus took a second or two to marvel at the man, for Argentus was in his mind, the embodiment of the ideal Roman: handsome, powerfully built and keen eyed. "Greetings, Consul," said Toxilus, hastening himself into a bow. "My men are ready, and I have news of those who oppose us across the way." Toxilus wasted no time in leading Argentus to a nearby table, heavily laden with crudely drawn maps of the local area. Various lead figurines dotted them, representing the armies in play. "My scouts have confirmed that a large force of the Veneti are coming our way. Furthermore, my eyes and ears buried in our adversary's midst believe a direct attack on Caesena is their intent..." he trailed off, scrunching up his face in thought. "Though, why they would choose the strongest place in Rome's wall of legions to assault is beyond me; I fear Hannibal has not committed his allies in error, but rather, as some form of ruse."